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.ÿþC3PO1 2 34651/3Valley fold, see step 5 forexact positioning8 971/21/31/41112101/414 1513Unfold to step 13© R.Glynn August 1999 C3PO16 17 18Refold step 12 incorporating a crimpto form the top of the mouthunfold again, then refoldincorporating a crimp to form theAdd another crease just belowbottom half of the mouththe crease from step 14211920Rabbit ear2223 24Model will not lie flat from now onSquash fold26 2725Inside reverse fold Repeat steps 22-26 on the left side29 3028Sink the corners to form twoMake the top of the headLock the top of the headovalsrounderwith a mountain fold, roundthe sides of the head© R.Glynn August 1999 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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