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.you must add them up againIF WE HAD 100 POUNDS BETWEEN US AND I TOOK 75 POUNDS ANDGAVE THE BALANCE TO YOU, HOW MUCH WOULD YOU GET ?/If we had.I'd get 25 poundsBIND - BOUND - BOUND wiązać, zobowiązaćBasically, the verb "to bind" means "to tie": e.g.bind a prisoner's wriststogether; bind a wound; bind a book; bind with a promise.WHAT IS, BASICALLY, THE MEANING OF THE VERB "TO BIND" ?Basically, the meaning.is "to tie"/WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO BIND" ?/ The paradigm.is"bind - bound - bound"ORIGINAL oryginalny772 WHO WERE THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF (OR IN) YOUR COUNTRY ?The original people.were.WHAT DO WE MEAN BY AN ORIGINAL PERSON (OR IDEA)? By anoriginal person we mean one who is not like other people, and whohas not copied other people, whilst by an original idea we meansomething new; not a copy of something in the past.NOTE NOTE DOWN BANKNOTE NOTEBOOKnotować, znak, nuta zanotować banknot notesKEYBOARD HIGH NOTE TAKE NOTESklawiatura wysoki ton robić notatki DO YOU NOTE DOWN ALL THE ENGLISH WORDS YOU HEAR ? Yes, Inote down all.or.No, I don't.WHY OR WHY NOT?/"To note" is also very similar to the verb "to notice".DO YOU NOTE ANYTHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS ROOM FROMLAST LESSON ? Yes, I note something.or.No, I don't note.WHAT COLOUR ARE THE BANKNOTES OF YOUR COUNTRY ANDWHAT KIND OF PICTURE DO THEY HAVE ON THEM?/ The banknotes ofmy country are.and they have.on them773 DOES A QUESTION USUALLY FINISH ON A HIGH NOTE OR A LOWNOTE ? A question usually.high noteWHAT COLOURS ARE THE NOTES ON A PIANO KEYBOARD?The notes on.are black and whiteDO YOU TAKE NOTES IN A NOTEBOOK DURING THE LESSON ?No, I don't take.WHY NOT ?/ Because if I did, I couldn't give my fall attention to what was being said.WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A NOTE AND A LETTER?The difference.is that usually a note is short, whilst a letter is longerARMOUR zbrojaWHY DID SOLDIERS WEAR ARMOUR IN THE OLD DAYS ? Soldiers wore.toprotect themselves in battleSPREAD rozprzestrzeniać (się)HOW CAN WE PREVENT A FIRE FROM SPREADING ? We can prevent.by making everything around it wetALL OVER wszędzie, po całym.DO YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE BASICALLY THE SAME ALL OVER THEWORLD ? Yes, I think people.or.No, I don't think.774 LEARNED uczonyWHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THE MOST LEARNED? The kind of people.are scientists, writers, university teachers etc. SCENE MURDERER FASCINATEDmiejsce, scena morderca zafascynowanyWHY DO YOU THINK A MURDERER SOMETIMES RETURNS TO THESCENE OF HIS CRIME ? / I think a murderer.because he isfascinated by what he has done.I.E.= ID EST = THAT IS to jestThe letters "i.e." are the abbreviation for "id est", which is Latin for "that is".WHAT ARE THE LETTERS "I.E." THE ABBREVIATION FOR? The letters "i.e."are the abbreviation for "id est"."that is"IDIOM 24FALL TO PIECES = to lose control of oneself TRAGEDYzałamać się, rozkleić się tragedia775 e.g.He fell to pieces (He fell completely to pieces) just before the exam and failedeverything.WHAT DOES THE IDIOM "FALL TO PIECES" MEAN ? The idiom."to lose."GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! She was so shaken by the tragedy that shejust fell to pieces and was quite unable to know what to do in the situationDICTATION 65 TOOTHBRUSH szczotka do zębówThe price of a meal/in a restaurant/often includes/ waiter service;/ much, of course,/depending on the type of restaurant./ He always takes/ two toothbrushes with him/ whenhe goes on a long journey,/ as he is afraid/he might lose one./ It is said/ that one shouldalways practise/ what one preaches./ I've seen him here/ on several occasions./ There'sone ming I hate/ and that is people interfering/ with my plans for the weekend./ Whateverelse happens during the day,/ I always keep/ to a set time/ for getting up,/ eating andgoing to bed,/ and so I always feel well.EXERCISE 45 LESSON 122I USED TO I AM USED TO ACCUSTOMED BRING UPzwykłem jestem przyzwyczajony przyzwyczajony wychowywać776 "I used to go to the cinema every Saturday" means "I was in the habit of going to thecinema every Saturday - but I don't go now"; whilst "I am used to cold weather"means "I am accustomed to cold weather - perhaps because I was born and broughtup in a cold country"./WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO SENTENCES?I USED TO WASH IN COLD WATER EVERY MORNING,AND,I AM USED TO WASHING IN COLD WATER EVERY MORNING /The difference between these two sentences is that "I used to wash in cold water everymorning" means "I was in the habit of washing in cold water every morning -but I do not do it now"; whilst "I am used to washing in cold water everymorning "means" I am accustomed to washing in cold water everymorning - and so I do not suffer from having to do it"WHAT DO I MEAN WHEN I SAY "I USED TO SEE CHARLES QUITEA LOT IN THE OLD DAYS" ? When you say you used.you mean you quiteoften saw Charles in the past - but not nowWHAT DO I MEAN WHEN I SAY "I AM USED TO HARD WORK" ? Whenyou say you are.you mean you're accustomed tohard work, perhaps because you have worked hardfor many years, and so do not suffer from it any more.777 DID YOU USED TO ATTEND THIS SCHOOL LAST YEAR?/ Yes, I used to.or.No, I didn't used to.IS AN AFRICAN USED TO HOT WEATHER? Yes, an African is usedto hot weatherWHY ? Because it is hot in Africa and, if a man is born and broughtup there, he ought to be used to hot weatherNotice the differences in the two kinds of sentences:-1) I used to go.I used to live.I used to read, and2) I am used to going.I am used to living.I am used to reading.I am used to coldweather.I am used to him. We use the word "get", meaning "become" or "grow", with "to be used to" toform the different tenses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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