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.Requests are supported based liaison officers and Army operations staffon operational necessity, the availability and officers coordinate Army/Marine airliftsuitability of alternate surface trans- priorities.The corps transportation officerportation modes, the JCS priority system, then forwards the request to the jointand the JFC s apportionment.Commanders movement center (JMC) for approval andand logistic planners should not hesitate to mission assignment as shown in Figure VII-7.request theater airlift, if air movement The approved mission is passed to the JAOCenhances an assigned mission.Once made, for inclusion in the joint ATO.Channelairlift requests are handled through Army missions and most special assignment airliftlogistics channels.missions (SAAMs) result from plannedrequests.In all cases, the request should(a) Planned Requests.When air allow for the operational lead timemovement requirements are known or established by the corps.This is the timeprojected in advance, they are handled as required to generate actual sorties in supportplanned requests through normal logistics of a specific requirement.Lead time varies,channels.Requests for planned airlift flow depending on the scale of the request,from the MEF (FWD) force movement control available forces, and the theater air planningcenter (FMCC) to the corps transportation process.VII-22 (b) Immediate Requests.Immedi- attack aircraft are equipped with UHF withate requests satisfy urgent employment, Have Quick capabilities.Have Quick II issustainment, or extraction requirements.being fielded on OH-58D and AH-64DMEF (FWD) requests for immediate airlift aircraft.For a detailed description offlow to the corps transportation officer.The communication equipment and capabilitiescorps TALO assists logistics planners in see Tables VII-9 and VII-10.forwarding the request to the BCE at theJAOC (See Figure VII-7).b.Army Aviation Communications RadioNets.Aviation units, (battalion and above)normally operate on 3 FM nets (internal and(c) Emergency Requests.When airmovement requirements must be satisfied higher headquarters): a command net, anbefore the JMC issues formal tasking, they operations and intelligence (O&I) net, andwill be handled as emergency requests.an administrative and logistics (ADMIN/Emergency requests satisfy pressing tactical LOG) net.Other than flight operations,requirements, such as the evacuation of aviation company/troops normally are onlywounded or the immediate resupply of units l-net capable.They normally monitor theengaged in combat.They are usually command net of their higher headquarters.coordinated as immediate requests with twoprocedural variations.Required approvals, (1) Command Net.A secure commandvalidations, and taskings may be net, controlled by the S3, is used foraccomplished by voice and followed with the command and control of the units.Allroutine documentation.The AOC director, assigned and attached units normallyrepresenting the AFCC, also may divert operate on this net.Priority only traffic istheater airlift forces supporting planned passed via this net.requests before receiving a voice tasking fromthe JMC.In such a case, the AOC director (2) O&I Net.The O&I net is controlledshould advise the JMC of the action and the by the S2.It functions as a surveillance netpending request.when required.All routine operations andintelligence reports are sent on this net.11.Communications Integration(3) ADMIN/LOG Net.This net isa.Army Aviation Communications controlled by the S1/S4.It is used forEquipment.Army aviation units are administrative and logistics traffic.equipped with 3 radio systems (FM, UHF,and VHF); Army ground elements are only c.AMCI Communications Capabilities.equipped with FM (SINCGARS), Aircraft use The following tables describe theSINCGARS (FM), UHF, and VHF.Scout and communications capabilities of joint aviationlift (C2) aircraft normally use 2 SINCGARS assets.Table VII-9 summarizes Army avia-FM radios; attack aircraft employ only 1 FM tion equipment.Table VII-10 summarizesAir Force and Marine Corps fixed-wing(SINCGARS) radio.The secure SINCGARSserves as the primary means for communications capabilities.Table VII-11communicating with ground units.For air- provides a ready reference for theto-air communications, Army aviation units communications equipment found at varioususe UHF and VHF.Some Army scout and fire support and air support control agencies.VII-23 VII-24 VII-25 VII-26 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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