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.Though a problematic analysis in a number of respects, for a discussion[405], (23)of the development of Clinton s relationship with the African American commu-nity and its impact on voting in his gubernatorial elections, see Hanes Walton Jr.,Reelection: William Jefferson Clinton as a Native-Son Presidential CandidateLines: 544 to(New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 145 64.  50.ForAfricanAmerican disgruntlement with Democrats, see  Richardson Steps Up0.0pt PgVAttack on Clinton, Arkansas Gazette, 11 May 1983;  Richardson Says White  May Have Done More, Arkansas Gazette, 28 August 1983;  Jackson s WifeNormal PageNeglected, Arkansas Gazette, 16 February 1984; James Merriweather,  BlackPgEnds: TEXLeaders Not Hostile to Clinton, Arkansas Gazette, 30 October 1990; DeborahMathis,  Dearly Beloved Won t Fall for Sweet Talk, Arkansas Gazette, 31October 1990; Lynette Clemetson,  Younger Blacks Tell Democrats to Take[405], (23)Notice, New York Times, 10 August 2003.For Republican wooing efforts,see  Black Involvement Sought by gop, Arkansas Gazette, 26 January 1981; Republican Recruiter Confident, Arkansas Gazette, 22 June 1983;  gop CanDraw Minority Vote, Arkansas Gazette, 5 August 1984. Black gop LeadersVow to Weaken Blind Loyalty, Arkansas Gazette, 2 December 1984.51.On this final point, see several interviews included in Barth, Blair, and Dumas, Arkansas: Characters, Crises, and Change.52.This information is from the authors activist friends and personal experience.Also, see Bass and DeVries, Transformation of Southern Politics, 101 103; Report Shows Robinson Paid McIntosh, Arkansas Democrat, 21 July 1984; Payments toActivists Reported, Arkansas Gazette, 22 July 1984.Bitter conflictarose between the Pryor and Clinton campaigns in 1984 regarding appropriatepayments to  knockers and haulers. For more contemporary accounts, see NoelOman,  Democrat Cash Primed  92 Black Vote, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 5December 1993; Elizabeth McFarland,  Lincoln Pays Two to Court Black Vote inEastArkansas, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 8 May 1998; Elizabeth McFarland, 406 Notes to Pages 90 94 Experts: Black Clergy Not Paid for Advocacy, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,31 August 1998.53.Arthur English and John J.Carroll,  Political Activists in a Southern County:Some Implications for the Future (paper presented at the 1980 Symposium onSouthern Politics, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, March 1980), 5.Forpredictions of southern urban Republicanism, see Bernard Cosman, Five Statesfor Goldwater (University: University of Alabama Press, 1966); and DonaldS.Strong, Urban Republicanism in the South (University: Bureau of PublicAdministration, University of Alabama, 1960).Correlation coefficients betweenthe percentages of county urban population and 1984 Republican vote were:Republican Presidential vote -.0650; Republican Senate vote -.3007; Republicangubernatorial -.3006.The precincts of Pleasant Valley, Seventh-Day Adventist[406], (24)Academy, and Second Presbyterian in Pulaski County are among many urban-affluent areas that voted Republican in the 1984 national election but votedDemocratic for governor.Lines: 55954.Tracie Dungan,  Exodus Concerns Pulaski, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1  October 1995; Rodney Bowers,  Saline County Sees Upswing of Candidates0.0pt Pgfrom gop, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 27 April 2002; Phillip Reese,  Census:  Suburbs Grow, But LR Stale, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 11 July 2003.Normal Pa55.These Rural Swing counties bear some similarity to Pettigrew and Campbell sPgEnds: TEBorder counties,  Faubus and Segregation, 436 47.Their 1960 analysis wasbased on primary elections, however, and is less applicable in recent, morepartisan decades.Reagan increased his vote 15 percent or more in sixteen of[406], (24)the twenty-six Rural Swing counties from 1980 to 1984.56.Kielhorn,  Party Development, 232 34, found that 70 percent of Wallace sup-porters who were interviewed were extremely  loyal Democrats who usuallyvoted a straight ticket and had never voted Republican for governor.57.For the revised themes and style of the Clinton  restoration, see Diane D.Blair, Two Transitions in Arkansas, 1978 and 1982, in Gubernatorial Transitions, ed.Thad L.Beyle (Durham nc: Duke University Press, 1985), 92 122; and RobertL.Savage and Diane D.Blair,  Constructing and Reconstructing the Imageof Statecraft: The Rhetorical Challenges of Bill Clinton s Two GubernatorialTransitions, in Political Communication Yearbook 1984, ed.Keith R.Sanders,Lynda L.Kaid, and Dan Nimmo (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,1985), 242 61.58.Doug Smith,  Huckabee Wants Covenant Marriage, Arkansas Times, 26 January2001; David Firestone,  Governor s Mansion Is a Triple-Wide, New York Times,19 July 2000; Michael Rowett,   Queen of the Triple-Wide Rolls Out the RedCarpet, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 24 August 2000. Notes to Pages 95 99 4075.dealigned voters and disadvantaged political parties1.See especially Philip E.Converse,  On the Possibility of Major Political Realign-ment in the South, in Elections and the Political Order, ed.Angus Campbell,Philip E.Converse, Warren E.Miller, and Donald E.Stokes (New York: Wiley,1966), 212 42; Bruce A [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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