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.This optionis particularly useful for files of types that contain third-party tags (such asASP tags).For more information, see  Avoiding rewriting third-party tags onpage 405.The two Special Characters options allow you control over whether Dreamweaverencodes certain characters in certain contexts.In general, it s best to leave theseoptions selected unless your files contain certain third-party tags that use thecharacters in question.For more information on these options, see  Avoidingrewriting third-party tags on page 405.Editing HTML 343 Setting HTML Format preferencesUse the following HTML Format preferences to control HTML formatting suchas indentation, line length, and the case of tag and attribute names as you createdocuments.For information on additional HTML formatting controls, see Editing the HTML source formatting profile on page 392.Note that thefollowing options (except for Override Case Of) affect only new documents andnew additions (in the Document window) to existing documents.That is, whenyou open a previously created HTML document, these formatting options are notapplied to it; to reformat existing HTML documents, use the Apply SourceFormatting command.See  Formatting the HTML source code in existingdocuments on page 348.Note: These options apply only to changes you make in the Document window; they do notapply when you edit HTML directly in the HTML Source inspector.Indent turns on indentation of all tags marked INDENT in the SourceFormat.txt file.See  Editing the HTML source formatting profile on page 392.Use specifies whether to indent using spaces or tabs.Table Rows and Columns automatically indents TR and TD tags to make readingtable code easier.The Indent option must be selected for this option to work.Frames and Framesets automatically indents FRAME and nested FRAMESET tags tomake reading frameset files easier.The Indent option must be selected for thisoption to work.Indent Size determines the size of indents, in spaces if Use is set to spaces, or intabs if Use is set to tabs.For example, if Use is set to tabs and Indent Size is set to4, tags will be indented using four tabs.Tab Size determines the size of tabs (measured in character spaces).Note: If Indent Size is not a multiple of Tab Size and Use is set to tabs, tags are indentedusing a combination of tabs and space characters.Automatic Wrapping wraps lines (with a hard return) once they reach the specifiedcolumn width.(Note that Dreamweaver inserts hard returns only in places wherethey don t change the appearance of the document in browsers, so some lines mayremain longer than the Automatic Wrapping option specifies.) By contrast, theWrap checkbox in the HTML Source inspector adds a soft return for lines thatextend beyond the width of the window.344 Chapter 13 Line Breaks specifies the type of remote server (Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX)that hosts your remote site.Choosing the correct type of line break charactersensures that your HTML source code appears correctly when viewed on theremote server.(Note that for FTP, this setting applies only to binary transfermode; Dreamweaver s ASCII transfer mode ignores this setting.If you downloadfiles using ASCII mode, Dreamweaver sets line breaks based on the operatingsystem of your computer; if you upload files using ASCII mode, the line breaksare all set to CR LF.) This setting is also useful when you are working with anexternal text editor that recognizes only certain kinds of line breaks.For example,use CR LF (Windows) if Notepad is your external editor, and CR (Macintosh) ifSimpleText is your external editor.Case for Tags and Case for Attributes control the capitalization of tag andattribute names.These options are applied to tags and attributes that you insert oredit in the Document window, but they are not applied to the tags and attributesthat you enter directly in the HTML Source inspector, or to the tags andattributes in a document when you open it (unless you also select one or both ofthe Override Case Of options).Override Case Of: Tags and Attributes specify whether to enforce your specifiedcase options at all times, including when you open an existing HTML document.When you select one of these options, all tags or attributes in open documents areimmediately converted to the specified case, as are all tags or attributes in eachdocument you open from then on (until you deselect this option again).Tags orattributes you type in the HTML Source inspector and the Quick Tag Editor arealso converted to the specified case, as are tags or attributes that you insert usingthe Object palette.For example, if you want tag names always to be converted tolowercase, specify lowercase in Case for Tags, and then select the Override CaseOf: Tags option.Then when you open a document that contains uppercase tagnames, Dreamweaver converts them all to lowercase.Centering specifies whether elements should be centered using DIV ALIGN="center"or CENTER [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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