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.In the silencesurrounding him, he scraped the concrete with his claws and fought tothink through his next move.With supreme effort, he pushed up to his feetand returned to the stairs.He shut the basement door behind him andclimbed the steps to the second floor.In his room, he turned the lock andswitched off the light.After he shed his clothes, he stood under a coldshower in the dark.When the knock on his door sounded, he ignored it.He waited for Mato to call out to him or to pick the lock, but after a while31 Reluctant Mate 2 Eden Colehe went away, and Cam fell into bed.The light of dawn was just piercingthe small gap in his curtains.* * * *Mato barged into Lucas s office without knocking. So he s seen thecell.Lucas looked up. You talked to him? No, he wouldn t answer the door.I didn t want to push him.He needstime to calm down. He sighed and dropped into a chair.Everything insidehim wanted to go up there and force the door open.He felt Cam s pain,and it tore him up inside.He craved being near him, touching him, kissinghim.Scenes of their love-making played out in his mind over and over,tormenting him.The knowledge that he and Cam were all but mated nowdid nothing for his mood because of what he d seen in the basement.Matoexpected him to either attack or leave at any moment, and if thathappened, well, the shit would hit the fan.Cam couldn t leave. You know what this means, Lucas said.Mato bared his teeth. He belongs to me, and I ll be damned if you killhim like you did his brother. You must see reason, Mato.If he  Fuck reason! Mato jumped to his feet. He s my mate, and I ll diebefore I let anyone hurt him.No& you will die.That s a promise.Lucas didn t appear to be cowed.He wouldn t be.He took his positionas head of their family very seriously.He cared about them all and theirwell-being.On some level, Mato knew that.He could even acknowledgethat Lucas cared about him, but none of it mattered if Lucas thought hecould take away his mate.Cam might be altered, but they would bebonded as soon as they exchanged bites.Now he had every intention ofmaking that happen after he spoke with his lover and explained how itworked.Lucas would not get in his way.* * * *32 Reluctant Mate 2 Eden ColeWhen Cam woke up it was after three.His muscles ached as if he drun a marathon, but he put it down to stress and the pain of discoveringhow his brother died.Remembering that cell almost brought him to hisknees once again, but he pushed up to his feet and cleaned up beforedressing.He had a plan.If Mato stayed out of his way, he could bring it tofruition.On the dining room table, he found a note telling him to help himselfto anything he found in the refrigerator.They d welcomed him towhatever they had.If they weren t cold-blooded murderers, he d marvel atthe way they took in ones of their own kind.Cam forced himself to eat tokeep his strength up.If it came down to a fight between him and Lucas,he d need it.Come to think of it, since he d been a wolf longer, his skillmight be higher.Cam used to do some boxing as a way to stay in shape.He was pretty good at it, but that might mean nothing to a wild animal.After he d made a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches, he wiped off andpocketed the knife he used to cut it in half.When his meal was done, he went in search of Lucas.He found him inhis office. Mato around? he asked to be sure the coast was clear.Lucas regarded him with a calm expression, serving to unsettle him. Igot him to stop pacing the place waiting for you to wake up by sendinghim into the city.Can I do something for you in the meantime?Cam hesitated and then feigned a casual air with a shrug.He came inand shut the door before taking a seat. Bored I guess.Not used to thisquiet life.I mean don t get me wrong, your mansion is cool.Just that inD.C., I worked and lived in the heart of everything.Traffic, people rushingabout, you know. Yeah.Cam waited for Lucas to say more, but he sat staring back.Camshifted in his chair [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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