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.How will users be added and removed?In most cases, the processes for managing users will be fairly mechanical and will be carried out by theLAN administrator.However, it s important to establish clearly from the outset how user accounts will bemanaged.How will new users be trained? How will current users be kept up to date? Who will be responsible forproviding the required training?Initial user training is crucial to the network s success, since inexperienced and ignorant (regarding thenetwork) users will be unproductive, frustrated, and, eventually, stand-alone users.Depending on the situ-ation, you may want users trained by in-house or outside staff.How will user operation be monitored?The information from monitoring users can be useful, at least during early phases.However, monitoringcan be tricky, because it s imperative that users feel they have privacy on the network and do not need toworry about being watched.How will new software be evaluated, tested, and installed? Once tested, who will be responsible forinstalling it on the network and making sure it works?Testing software for a network can be a nightmare.Software testing may be done by an independent test-ing company.The advantage is that a good testing company will have a more comprehensive and systematictest suite than the more haphazard methods of most end-users.The disadvantage is that the testing will beaimed at the general network user and may not include tests that are appropriate for specific users. LAN (Local-Area Network) 529aHow will application programs be managed? Who will be responsible for upgrades and for making sure allusers are working with the same versions of applications and files? What kinds of restrictions, if any, willbthere be on applications that users can run on their workstations?cYou need to ensure that network users are all using the same version of applications.Also, to avoidviruses, which can cause data loss and company downtime, you may need to set policies regarding the soft-dware that users can install on their workstations.eHow will file management and backup be managed?fAlthough this is generally the LAN administrator s responsibility, the question needs to be asked becausegbackups are so vital for a network.How will connections to other networks be managed, if applicable?hThe answer to this will depend, in part, on the type of networks that are to be connected.For example,iconnecting two Ethernet networks is less of a task than connecting an Ethernet and an SNA network.jHow will the network be maintained? For example, who will be responsible for periodic hardware checks:testing the cable integrity, hard disk, and so on? kWhile it is important to be conscientious about doing maintenance on stand-alone hardware, it is essentiallto be compulsively so when it comes to networks.A hardware malfunction on a network can be muchmmore costly than on a stand-alone machine.Regular and careful maintenance can help minimize the likeli-hood of such a malfunction.nWhat provisions will be built in for network expansion?oNetwork expansion is more than just adding some extra machines.It may require additional networkpcabling or electrical wiring.There may also be tradeoffs (such as size versus performance) to be consid-ered.Networking software and network-based applications may need to be upgraded to allow for morequsers.These and other possibilities make it important to build expansion into a network design.rSeveral of the books in the Novell Press series have useful checklists.Two recent ones include LogansHarbaugh s Problem Solving Guide for NetWare Systems and David Clarke s CNA Study Guide.tTwo types of lists are common for net- be open and freeform, task lists areuwork design planning: useful for ill-structured tasks thosethat do not have simple instructionsvChecklists, usually consisting of tasksbut involve multiple steps.and/or questions.Task lists are usefulwfor accomplishing something; ques- Worksheets, either property summariesxtion lists are useful for verifying or or action charts, such as flow charts orchecking something.Because they can Booch diagrams.Property summariesyz 530 LAN (Local-Area Network)are handy for making comparisons.The implementation phase should includeAction charts are useful for well- frequent meetings to review the progress,defined tasks of medium complexity.deal with any unanticipated problems orfindings, and make any modifications sug-Maintenance Sheets gested or required by the progress to date.The first of these meetings should take placeMake sure you set up an explicit, completelybefore you begin the installation and shoulddefined, and thorough hardware mainte-evaluate the  raw implementation plannance procedure.The maintenance shouldthe plan before any steps are actually carriedinclude not only event-driven troubleshoot-out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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