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.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ Security and Proofing within Excel 69Excel 2000 Advanced �1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer TrainingAdvanced Workbook Sharing Options" Track Changes" Update Changes" Conflicting ChangesBetween Users" Include in PersonalView� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 Excel 2000 Advanced - Slide No.40Advanced Workbook Sharing OptionsTo customize " Click on the Tools drop down menu and select the Share Workbookthe Advanced command.The Share Workbook dialog box will be displayed.Workbook" Set the options as required.Sharing OptionsTrack changes Allows you to keep a log of changes which by default willbe kept for 30 days.SAMPLE ONLYUpdate changes Allows you to see your changes and changes made byothers each time you save.Conflicting The default Ask me which changes win, will cause thechanges Resolve Conflict dialog to be displayed from which youbetween users can decide how to handle conflicting data.NOT TO BEInclude in Allows you to specify your own print and filter detailspersonal view which will always be available to you when you use theworkbook.USED FORTRAININGSAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 - Tel: +44 (0)1242 227200 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 253200Email: sales@cctglobal.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ 70 Security and Proofing within Excel1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer Training� Excel 2000 AdvancedData Validation" Allows you tospecify the typeof data that isentered into arange of cells� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 Excel 2000 Advanced - Slide No.41Data ValidationTo set data " Select a range within the worksheet that you wish to set data validation for.validation for a" Click on the Data drop down menu and then select the Validation command,range of cellswhich will display the Data Validation dialog box." Click on the Allow drop down list, and select the type of data that you wish toallow to be entered into the selected range." In this case we have selected Whole number.Also we have decided to onlySAMPLE ONLYallow whole numbers between 0 and 99.NOT TO BEUSED FORTRAININGSAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 - Tel: +44 (0)1242 227200 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 253200Email: sales@cctglobal.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ Security and Proofing within Excel 71Excel 2000 Advanced �1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer TrainingTo set Input " From the Data Validation dialog box, select the Input Message tab.messages" In the Title text box enter the title for the message." In the Input message text box, enter the text of your message.To display Input " Once you have set an input message and closed the Data Validation dialogmessagesbox, simply clicking on a cell that has been formatted with an input message willdisplay the message, as illustrated below.SAMPLE ONLYNOT TO BEUSED FORTRAININGSAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 - Tel: +44 (0)1242 227200 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 253200Email: sales@cctglobal.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ 72 Security and Proofing within Excel1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer Training� Excel 2000 AdvancedTo set Error " From the Data Validation dialog box, select the Error Alert tab.Alerts" Use the Style drop down to select the style or error alert, Stop, Warning orInformation." In the Title text box enter the title for the message." In the Error message text box, enter the text of your message.To display an " Once you have set an input message and closed the Data Validation dialogerror alertbox, when you try to enter the wrong type of data into a data validated cell it willcause the error alert to be displayed when you press the Enter key, asillustrated below.SAMPLE ONLYNOT TO BEUSED FORTRAININGSAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 - Tel: +44 (0)1242 227200 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 253200Email: sales@cctglobal.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ Security and Proofing within Excel 73Excel 2000 Advanced �1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer TrainingWorkbook Password Protection� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 Excel 2000 Advanced - Slide No.42Workbook Password ProtectionTo specify a " From the File drop down menu selectpassword for Save As.opening a" From the Save As dialog box, click onworkbookthe Tools icon,SAMPLE ONLYand from the drop down list displayedselect General Options, which willdisplay the Save Options dialog box,as illustrated right.NOT TO BE" Enter a password into the Password to open text box.In future you will berequired to enter this password in order to open the file." Click on the OK button.You will be asked to re-type the password to ensure that itis consistent." The password can be up to 15 characters in length and is case sensitive.USED FOR" You will also be prompted for this password if a formula is entered in a differentworkbook, that refers to a cell(s) in the protected workbook.WARNING!If you forget the password there is no way to retrieve the information contained withinTRAININGthe workbook.SAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING� Cheltenham Computer Training 1995-2000 - Tel: +44 (0)1242 227200 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 253200Email: sales@cctglobal.com - Internet: http://www.cctglobal.com/ 74 Security and Proofing within Excel1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer Training� Excel 2000 AdvancedTo specify a " From the File drop down menu select Save As.password for" From the Save As dialog box, click on the Tools icon,saving aand from the drop down list displayed select General Options, which will displayworkbookthe Save Options dialog box." Enter a password into the Password to modify text box.In future you will berequired to enter this password in order to save the file." Click on the OK button.You will be asked to re-type the password to ensure that itis consistent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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