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.Powieść Ciury ukazuje warszawskie środowisko literackie drugiejpołowy XIX wieku; Wspomnienia niebieskiego mundurka (1906)oparte na faktach biograficznych nadal należą do klasyki polskiejliteratury dla młodzieży.Born on 17th October 1848 in Ostrołęka.He spent his childhoodand school years in Pułtusk; he studied at a grammar school inWarsaw until 1866; between 1866 and 1869 he studied at theFaculty of Law at The Central School.At the beginning he wasinvolved with "the young press" of Positivism then around 1875he moved to the editorial department of "Kurier Codzienny".Heedited the satirical papers "Mucha" and "Kolce" then between1889 and 1890 he edited "Tygodnik Powszechny".In 1877 hetravelled to Eastern Prussia, in 1888 to Venice and Paris, wherehe searched for materials for a biography of Cyprian Norwid.In1905 he travelled around the Kraków area and he establishedcontacts with collectors in Kraków.In 1893 he received a first-class medal and an honorary diploma from The Belgian Academyof Art, Knowledge and Literature.In 1911 he was sentenced to aone-year term of imprisonment for writing a prologue to one ofWiktor Gomulicki Wspomnienia niebieskiego mundurka 280Adam Mickiewicz s short stories.He did not go to prison as therewas an amnesty announced for political criminals.He receivedthe Eliza Orzeszkowa literary award in 1918.He died in Warsawon 14th February 1919.A poet and novelist, the author of novels for the young and ofhistorical novels (e.g.Miecz i łokieć), which are characterised bytheir fidelity to reality and details of morality, a collector, theauthor of tales and literary contributions.The novel Ciury depicts the Warsaw literary environment of thesecond half of the 19th century; Wspomnienia niebieskiegomundurka (1906), a novel based on biographical facts, stillbelongs to the classic novels for the young in Polish literature.Transtaled into English Tadeusz Z.WolańskiBIBLIOGRAFIA - BIBLIOGRAPHYZ.Libera, Wiktor Gomulicki, Obraz Literatury Polskiej XIX i XXwieku, Seria IV, t.1.J.W.Gomulicki, Pegaz w jarzmie czyli klucze do "Ciurów", w: W.Gomulicki, Ciury.Powieść.Wstęp J.W.Gomulicki.Tekst ustalił Z.Wasilewski, Kraków 1986Wiktor Gomulicki [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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