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.The thief had passed them to a confederate.Austin Statesman, Oct.15, 1910,Oct.18, 1910.{ }3 2 3 NOTE S3.Paine, McDonald, 95; Quanah Tribune-Chief, Oct.14, 1909 (quotation).4.Paine, McDonald, 149 51.5.Ibid., 149 50; Bill Neal, The Last Frontier: The Story of Hardeman County(Quanah, TX: Quanah Tribune-Chief and Hardeman County Historical Soci-ety, 1966), 81.McDonald s cattle carried the brand 2/Mc (left jaw under tail).Neal, Last Frontier, 277.6.W.D.Powell (as told to Rupert Richardson),  A Baptist Preacher on theTexas Frontier, WTHAYB 9 (Oct.1933): 51 52.7.Paine, McDonald, 192 93.8.J.Evetts Haley and William C.Holden, eds., The Flamboyant Judge: JamesD.Hamlin (Canyon, TX: Palo Duro Press, 1972), 79.9.McDonald to Mabry, Nov.29, 1892, GC-AGR; Quanah Chief, Jan.5, 1893.10.R.H.Bruce to Tyler Mason, Mar.14, 1935, MP; Haley and Holden, Flam-boyant Judge, 78; Paine, McDonald, 14, 24.11.McDonald to Hogg, Dec.12, 1890, GR.12.Cotner, Hogg, 21113.Ibid., 300; Alwyn Barr, Reconstruction to Reform: Texas Politics, 1876 1906(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971), 134; Paine, McDonald, 151 53.14.McDonald to Mabry, Apr.12, 1892, GC-AGR.See similar sentiments inibid., June 18, 1892, Nov.5, 1892, GC-AGR.15.Paine, McDonald, 323; State Topics, V (Feb.28, 1914), 10.16.Barr, Reconstruction to Reform, 111 42; Cotner, Hogg, passim; Rupert N.Richardson, Texas: The Lone Star State (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1943),346 63.17.Cotner, Hogg, 353 91.18.Ibid., 226.Still useful for a study of Texas at the turn of the twentieth cen-tury would be James A.Tinsley,  The Progressive Movement in Texas (Ph.D.diss., University of Wisconsin, 1953).19.McDonald to Mabry, Jan.25, 1895, Jan.31, 1895, GC-AGR.20.Ibid.to Lamartine P.Sieker, Ranger quartermaster, Dec.14, 1901, GC-AGR.21.The dispute over Greer County between Texas and the central govern-ment ended in 1896 when the United States Supreme Court declared thatGreer County fell under the jurisdiction of the United States.Althoughadministered by Texas for decades, this area now became a territory of theUnited States and after the turn of the twentieth century was combined withthe state of Oklahoma.22.RAGST for 1890 1891, pp.8 11, Appendix, 99.23.Mabry to McDonald, May 5, 1891, LPB-AG-AGR; Muster and Pay Rollsfrom Dec.1890 through Nov.1891, AGR.24.Adj.Gen.Mabry, General Order No.2 (revocation), Feb.21, 1891,Ledger 401-984, RR-AGR; ibid., Special Order No.6 (new regulations), Mar.6, 1891, Ledger 401-1012, RR-AGR.{ }3 2 4 NOTES25.McDonald to Mabry, Feb.1, 1891 (first gun quote), Feb.7, 1891 (otherquotations); McDonald to Sieker, Feb.3, 1891, GC-AGR.See also MRCB forJan.1891, RR-AGR.26.Paine, McDonald, 143 44 (quotation on p.144).27.Sieker to McDonald, Feb.11, 1891, Feb.19, 1891, Feb.23, 1891, Feb.24,1891, Mar.16, 1891, Mar.17, 1891, Mar.18, 1891, LPB-Q-RR-AGR.28.Ibid., Feb.12, 1891, LPB-Q-RR-AGR; sworn statement by McDonaldand others, Feb.21, 1891, RC-RR-AGR.29.Sieker to McDonald, Feb.21, 1891, Feb.23, 1891, Mar.18, 1891, LPB-Q-RR-AGR.30.McDonald to Mabry, Jan.30, 1891, GC-AGR.31.Hogg to McDonald, Jan.30, 1891, GC-AGR.32.McDonald to Mabry, Jan.30, 1891 (quotation), GC-AGR; MRCB for Feb.1891, RR-AGR.See also Paine, McDonald, 145 48.For the impact of theIndian scare on Potter County, see Della T.Key, In the Cattle Country: Historyof Potter County, 1887 1966, 2nd ed.(Quanah-Wichita Falls, TX: Nortex Off-set Publications, 1972), 97.33.Mabry to McDonald, Feb.10, 1891, LPB-AG-AGR.The adjutant generalinformed the governor that the Indian scare was a  false alarm and that the excitement about the affair had  subsided. Mabry to Hogg, Jan.31, 1891,GR.Another Indian scare took place in several Texan counties along the linewith Oklahoma at the end of 1890.Both Rangers of Company B and militia-men investigated the doings.Judge G.S.Huling of Greer County to Gov.Lawrence S.Ross, Dec.15, 1890, Judge W.P.Jones of Childress County toCapt.W.T.Levy, Panhandle Cavalry, Dec.14, 1890, Levy to Ross, Dec.16,1890, Ranger Sgt.Tom Platt to Adj.Gen.King, Dec.20, 1890, Dec.23, 1890,GC-AGR.34.Key, In the Cattle Country, 63.35 McDonald to Mabry, Feb.14, 1891, GC-AGR; MRCB for Feb.1891,RR-AGR.36.MRCB for June and Aug.1891, RR-AGR.37.See, for example, McDonald to Mabry, Feb.19, 1891, Feb.21, 1891, Mar.19, 1891, May 23, 1891, Aug.14, 1891, GC-AGR.38.Ibid., Feb.19, 1891, Apr.11, 1891, GC-AGR.39.MRCB for Jan.through Dec.1891, RR-AGR.40.McDonald to Mabry, Feb.14, 1891, Feb.21, 1891, Feb.23, 1891, Mar.19,1891, GC-AGR; MRCB for Feb.1891 (second quotation), Mar.1891, July1891, Nov.1891 (first quotation), RR-AGR.41.Aten to Mabry, May 31, 1891, GC-AGR.42.Hogg to J.W.Aikin, May 16, 1891, ibid.to McDonald, June 24, 1891(quotation), June 29, 1891, R.B.Levy, private secretary, to McDonald, July 2,1891, McDonald to Hogg, two telegrams dated June 24, 1891, telegram (last{ }3 2 5 NOTE Squotation) and letter, June 26, 1891, letter and report, June 30, 1891, withattached telegrams: Knight to McDonald (quotation) and Gov.John L.Routtto Sheriff J.F.Bradley (quotation), June 24, 1891, R.C.McPhaill to Hogg,May 1891, GR; MRCB for June 1891, RR-AGR.43.Hogg to Routt, June 25, 1891, GR.A copy, dated Mar.17, 1891, of theindictment in Aug [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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