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.12. Robert I.Sutton,  Maintaining Norms about Expressed Emotions:The Case of Bill Collectors, Administrative Science Quarterly 36, no.2(1991): 245 268. 193-200 Ibarra INDEX 2nd 9/24/02 11:39 AM Page 193indexaction attachment theory, 130 131revealing undesirable selvesthrough, 73self-knowledge versus, 1 2 Baker, Nicholson, 138, 141self-reinforcing, 123 124 balance, 174thinking versus, 1 2, 167 170 family and, 60 61, 75, 79 80in true-self models, 36 37, 39 personal versus work life, 85 86adult development, 36, 37, 131 becoming an  ex, 54alert intermissions, 138 141 beginning, 40 43Alexander, John, 85 86, 134 138 experiments for, 100 106Alighieri, Dante, 173 with more education, 104 106alternatives putting off, 91envisioning, 33 with side projects, 101 102finding, 11 12 with temporary assignments,ambivalence, 54 102 103giving up and, 72 74 Böllmer, Mark, 109 111apprenticeships brainwashing studies, 121communities of practice and, Bridges, William, 56, 127 129127 130 Brookline, Carol, 101 102Arthur, Michael, 173 174 Byers, Jim, 102 103assumptions, 73in change models, 33 34letting go of, 75 76 career anchors, 82questioning, 82 83 career paths, 174 193-200 Ibarra INDEX 2nd 9/24/02 11:39 AM Page 194index194careers, changing definition of, plan-and-implement model for,173 174 30 32, 33case studies protected base for, 130 132Alexander, John, 134 138 readiness for, 144 145Böllmer, Mark, 109 111 reinvention versus, 81 86Brookline, Carol, 101 102 relationships that inhibit, 118 122Byers, Jim, 102 103 while remaining in the same job,demographics of, 177 178 74 76Donaldson, Charlotte, 40 43 research methodology for study-Fontaine, Susan, 68 72 ing, 173 181Forrester, Ben, 92 95 small versus deep, 67 68, 87Gaumont, Nathalie, 153 155 small wins in, 72 74, 87,Gerard, Pierre, 2 6 101 102, 103, 168Gonzales, Julio, 123, 126, 133, test-and-learn model for, 32 33,152 153 129Hagstrom, Leif, 104 106, 123 124 unconventional strategies for,Hartman, Lucy, 6 10 167 170Holstrom, Roy, 156 windows of opportunity for,interview method for, 178 181 152 155McIvy, Dan, 76 81 commitment, 109 111, 170 171McCarthy, Gary, 23, 24 29 emotional, 110 111Pearson, Larry, 107 108 to employers, 85 86Prescott, June, 46 53 communities of practice, 127 130Rayport, Brenda, 141 143, confirmatory experiments, 96.See150 152 also experimentsRoberts, Harris, 114 118 connections, shifting, 16 17selection process for, 175 177 consistency, 104 105Stevens, Jane, 149 150 constant comparative method, 176catalysts, 13, 138 139, 145 contacts.See relationships; socialchange supportactions promoting, 18 contradictions, living with, 63 65,alert intermissions and, 138 141 168case study on, 68 72, 76 81 crafting strategies, 33deep, 15, 67 87 Cramer, James, 49defenses against, 100 crystallization, 146determining magnitude of, 10,81 86giving up too early on, 72 74 Damasio, Antonio, 107learning in, 87 defining moments, 141 147.Seemodels for, 29 34 also turning points 193-200 Ibarra INDEX 2nd 9/24/02 11:39 AM Page 195index195Descartes Error (Damasio), 107 exploratory experiments, 97.Seedetachment, 148 also experimentsde Vries, Manfred Kets, 145disconfirmation, 35disenchantment, 56 family, 75disengagement, 55 56 balancing, 60 61disidentification, 56 feedback, 62 63Donaldson, Charlotte, 40 43 flirtation, committed, 109 111Fontaine, Susan, 68 72Forrester, Ben, 125 126Eisenhardt, Kathleen, 180 fragmentation, 61 63Eliot, T.S., 171emotions, 62rationality versus, 106 108 Gauguin, Paul, 173Erikson, Erik, 170 171 Gaumont, Nathalie, 153 155evaluation, of experiments, Gerard, Pierre, 2 6106 108 Glaser, Barney, 176evolutionary theory, 61 62 Gonzales, Julio, 123, 126, 133,executive education, 104 106, 152 153165 good-enough-mother theory, 131experience Granovetter, Mark, 120barriers to change revealed guiding figures.See role modelsthrough, 76learning through, 58 59self-knowledge through, 1 2, Hagstrom, Leif, 104 106, 123 12416 18 Hall, Douglas, 173 174experiments, 16, 23 43, 91 111 Hartman, Lucy, 6 10case study on, 92 95 Holstrom, Roy, 156commitment to, 109 111comparing and contrasting,97 99 identities [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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