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.See Electronic beepersFourth Amendment requirements for, Bench trials, 465141, 146 Benign discrimination, 33fugitive, 165 166 Biasknock-and-announce requirements for, fair and impartial tribunal and, 450154 155 in jury, 453.See also Discriminationlocations covered by warrant Bicameral legislature, 3, 7requirement, 153 Bigoted speech, police officers and, 498for private residence, 153 Bigotry, hate speech and, 65proper execution of, 152 Billboards, restrictions on, 79supported by oath or affirmation, 147 Bill of Rights, 19 22Article I, of U.S.Constitution, 6 Fourteenth Amendment and, 23 35Section 8, division of powers and, 9, freedom of speech and, 43 4415, 18 right to fair trial and, 406Section 10, division of powers and, 9, Birmingham ordinance, free speech and, 8516 Blackstone, William, 459, 471Article II, of U.S.Constitution, 6 Blanket prohibition, free speech and, 74Article III, of U.S.Constitution, 6 BloodArticle IV, of U.S.Constitution, 6 drawn without consent, 391 392, 394Article V, of U.S.Constitution, 6 7 taking of, in searches, 179Article VI, of U.S.Constitution, 7 Bodily evidenceArticle VII, of U.S.Constitution, 7 defined, 390, 391Articles of Confederation, 4, 9, 10 evaluate compelled production of,Attorney-client relationship, interference 391 392with, 417 Fourth Amendment protection, 386Authoritative precedent, 526 mouth, 395 396Authority, apparent/actual, 189 necessity of search warrant for, 393 396Authority to detain and arrest, 91 157 requirements for, 390 391in private residence, 152 157 skin, swabbing incriminating residueterritorial limits on, 164 166 on, 395requirements for constitutional arrest, strip searches/body cavity searches,139 140 396 399Fourth Amendment and, 92 96, 146 surgical intrusions to recover, 392 free zone for investigative work, 97 testing for alcohol intoxication, 394investigatory stops, 106 110 Bodily self-incrimination, protection against,grounds for lawful seizure, 102 106 375 376, 385 386physical restraint, 101 102 appearance evidence, 386 389probable cause, 144 145 bodily evidence, 386 INDEX 807Body cavity searches, 179, 396 397, 399 Communications, protected, 295Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, 18 Communications surveillance.See Wiretap ActBrandeis, Louis (Justice), 37 38, 60, 267 Compelled production, of bodily evidence,Brandenburg Test, 61 62 391 392Breathalyzer test, 97 Compelled statements, police officersBrennan, Louis D.(Justice), 51 protection against, 505 506Bridges, congressional authority to regulate, 11 Compelling government interest, 32Bugging, 276.See also Wiretap Act; Wiretap Compelling need, to remedy pastorder discrimination, 519 522Business premises, Fourth Amendment Competence to waive right to counsel, 412protection of searches in, 238 239 Compulsion, testimony and, 379 380Confession(s)Caller ID, 313 of accomplices, 367Canine examinations, 289 290 admissibility of, l 324 325Capital punishment, 473 484 corroboration of valid, 368 369trial by jury and, 461 current status of McNabb-Mallory rule,See also Death penalty 338 339Car rental records, criminal investigation custodial interrogation rules, 335 369and, 272 Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule,Cellular phones 332 335as tracking devices, 282 283 free and voluntary rule, 327 331wiretaps and, 301 302 inadmissible, 362 364, 453 454Censorship, of press, history, 43 involuntary, 329 332Change in venue, 463 legally relevant phases in developmentChase, grounds for, 101 102 of, 325 327Checkpoint traffic stops, rules for, 128 129 summary and practical suggestions, 369Child pornography, 86 87 two-part test of voluntariness, 328First Amendment and, 52 voluntariness of, 328 332obscenity and, 53 Confrontation, adversarial, right to counselCitizenship requirements, for police officers, and, 410509 CongressCivil liability Article I and, 6arrest warrants as protection against, 142 separation of powers and, 7elements of § 1983 claim, 523 525 Connecticut, 3of police officers, 522 525 Consensual encounters, traffic stopsCivil liberties, 52 de-escalate into, 135 136Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 508 ConsentCivil War, state power and, 10, 24 to enter premises without a warrant,Clear and present danger, 60 252 253Clinton, Bill (President),  Don t ask/don t to enter private residence, 154 155tell, 33 for interception of communications,Closure orders, pretrial publicity and, 456 457 308 309Clothing, searches of, 179, 204 to search, 188 190Coalition for Jewish Concerns, 62 63 searches and seizures and, 175Code of Federal Regulations, 8 Constitution.See U.S.Constitution Color of state law, 522 525 Constitutional amendmentsCommerce clause powers, 12 process for adding, Article V and, 6 7Commercial speech, 67 68 See Amendments, to U.S.ConstitutionCommon law, 92 Constitutional safeguards, during criminalfresh pursuit and, 165 case, 433 434unanimous jury verdicts and, 463 Containersstatute for misdemeanors, 162 defined, searches and, 179trial by jury and, 461 462, 465 limited seizures of, 202 203 808 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWContempt of court, compulsion and, 379 Cursing.See Fighting wordsContent Curtilageof communication, 296 297 aerial surveillance in, 275public concern, speech and, 494 495 defined, searches and, 179Contraband surveillance and, 271chase, seizure and, 101 102 Custodial arrest, search following, 215 216immediately apparent, 214 215 Custodial interrogationin plain view, 176 advice and rights of waiver in, 352search warrants and, 205 awareness of, speaking with police,Controlled Substances Act, 8 342 343Conviction, reversals of, double jeopardy custody indicators, 342 343and, 438 439 defined, 324, 327, 340 341Coordinate branches, powers delegated to, express questioning, 345 3467 8 Fifth Amendment and, 376 378Copyright laws, congressional authority to interrogation defined, 345 350regulate, 13 Miranda rights and, 344 345, 351 355Corpus delicti rule, 368 necessity of waiver before continuing,Corruption, in government workforce, 352 353498 499 non-police interrogators, 349 350Counsel objective nature of query, 341 342ineffective assistance of, 413 public safety exception, 348 349police interference with, 417 rules of, 335 369right to.See Miranda rule; Miranda See also Interrogationwarning; Right to Counsel; Sixth Custody, defined, 323, 340, 341Amendment, to U.S.Constitution;Counterfeiting, congressional authority to Deadly force, limitations on use of, 158 161regulate, 13 Death penaltyCourt-appointed counsel, 406 aggravating circumstances and, 476Court(s) bifurcated sentencing, 477interpretation of U.S.Constitution and, 8 crimes for which it may be imposed,power to establish, 13 474 475Credit card records, criminal investigation Eighth Amendment and, 479 481 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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