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.Loeb conducted a study entitled Plan of Plentythat led the Continental Committee away from technological positiv-ism and toward a program to adjust existing economic mechanisms ina way that resembled the Keynesian approach of New Deal bureau-crats.The committee was more inclusive in its membership as well.For instance, it was supported by Stuart Chase who had been articulat-ing a similar contention in his books of the previous ten years and whohad been alienated from the more radical proposals of Scott.25In the ensuing years, some of the technocrats proposals were in-corporated into a less radical attitude toward the superiority of engi-neering, but one that still favored quanti able approaches to problemsolving.In uenced by technocracy theories during the New Deal pe-riod, a generation of young practitioners sought opportunities for theapplication of engineering intelligence through planning.The survey,inventory, and report would become a standard practice of policymak-ing in Washington.|1.1 37Notes1.Benton MacKaye, An Appalachian Trail: A Project in Regional Planning, reprintJournal of the American Institute of Architects, 19 (October 1921): 1 8; and BentonMacKaye, Great Appalachian Trail from New Hampshire to the Carolinas, NewYork Times, Sunday, 18 Feb.1923.2.Benton MacKaye, in the introduction to From Geography to Geotechnics, ed.Paul T.Bryant, 5.3.Biographer Paul Bryant wrote that their.efforts ranged from arousing indigna-tion over a Maryland law permitting ogging of criminals to proposals for eliminat-ing private pro t in the munitions industry, from federal control of water power tothe granting of suffrage to women.Bryant, 90; and Lewis Mumford in the introduc-tion to The New Exploration: A Philosophy of Regional Planning (Urbana: University ofIllinois Press, 1962), xii.Reprinted from 1928 version.4.Bryant, 34 36; and Larry Anderson, unpublished biography of MacKaye.Courtesyof the author.5.Stuart Chase, My Friend Benton in Benton MacKaye: A Tribute by Lewis Mum-ford, Stuart Chase, Paul Oehser, Frederick Gutheim, Harley P.Holden, Paul T.Bry-ant, Robert M.Howes, C.J.S.Durham, The Living Wilderness 39 n., 132 ( January/March 1976):18.6.Minutes of the Regional Planning Association of America, 7 June 1923, are quotedin Planning the Fourth Migration: The Neglected Vision of the Regional Planning Associa-tion of America, ed.Carl Sussman (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1976), 17.7.John Ross, Benton MacKaye: The Appalachian Trail, in The American Planner: Bio-graphies and Recollections, ed.Donald A.Krueckeberg (New York and London: Meth-uen, 1983), 203 5.8.Benton MacKaye, The New Exploration: A Philosophy of Regional Planning (New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1928), 179.9.Benton MacKaye, Progress Toward the Appalachian Trail, Appalachia 15 (Decem-ber 1922):244.10.Ibid.11.Benton MacKaye, Appalachian Power: Servant or Master, Survey Graphic 51(1March 1924):618 19.12.MacKaye, The New Exploration, 34 5.13.MacKaye, Appalachian Power: Servant or Master, 619; and Robert W.Bruere,Giant Power Region-Builder, The Survey Graphic 54(1 May 1925):161 64.14.Benton MacKaye, The New Exploration: Charting the Industrial Wilderness, TheSurvey Graphic 65 (1 May 1925):155, 156.15.Ibid., 194, 156.16.Benton MacKaye, Industrial Exploration, serial publication in The Nation: II.Charting the World s Requirements, 125 (27 July 1927):92; and I.Charting theWorld s Commodity Flow, 125 (20 July 1927): 72; and Benton MacKaye, II.Chart-ing the World s Requirements, 92.The article was weakest when it was prescriptiveabout the need to, among other things, untangle metropolitan bottlenecks, butit was most signi cant in its proposal to explore parallel (and competing) lines ofcommodity ow.17.Benton MacKaye, Industrial Exploration, serial publication in The Nation: II.Charting the World s Requirements, 92.18.Frank G.Novak Jr., Lewis Mumford and Patrick Geddes: The Correspondence (London:Routiedge, 1995), 232.19.Larry Anderson, unpublished biography of MacKaye.20.MacKaye to Katherine Menhenharr, April 25, 1921, Benton MacKaye papers,|Subtraction Inversion Remote: The Appalachian Trail 38Dartmouth College Library.Bryant does not mention MacKaye s wife in his bio-graphical work.A scrapbook of Stubbs life can be found among these MacKayepapers.21.Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class, reprinted by Mentor Books, 1953(original publication 1899); and William E.Akin, Technocracy and the AmericanDream: The Technocrat Movements, 1900 1941 (Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1977), 34.22.Akin, 65 66, 80 96.23.Allen Raymond, What Is Technocracy? (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.,1933), 100 119.One critic, journalist Allen Raymond, wrote a series of articlesabout the movement and published a book entitled What Is Technocracy? that raisedfurther questions about the mythical gure of Howard Scott.For instance, did Scottever receive a doctor s degree, and why was he referred to as Dr.Scott while atColumbia? Scott himself told Raymond that he was called Dr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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