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.InPhillips, Gene D.Fiction, Film, and F.Scott Fitzgerald.TITN, Fitzgerald used aspects of Lois Moran s char-Chicago: Loyola Press, 1986.acter for 18-year-old movie star Rosemary Hoyt.Ring, Frances Kroll.Against the Current: As I Remem-Fitzgerald s final stay in Hollywood offered evenber F.Scott Fitzgerald.San Francisco: Ellis/Creativemore material and gave new life to the author whoArts, 1985.had felt written out.The Pat Hobby stories, briefby Alan Margoliesvignettes of a broken-down scriptwriter not anautobiographical character came from Hollywoodhome page To commemorate the CENTENNIAL ofincidents that Fitzgerald had experienced or beenFitzgerald s birth, the University of South Carolinatold about, as did Discard (January 1948), Lastestablished a web site at http://www.sc.edu/fitzger-Kiss (April 1949), and The Last Tycoon (1941).ald/index.html.It offers extensive information onUnion unrest at MGM, an earthquake that causedFitzgerald s writing and career, including primaryflooding in the studios, conversations between direc-and secondary bibliographies, detailed biographicaltor SIDNEY FRANKLIN and novelist Aldous Huxleymaterial, and a history of the House of Scribner.(1894 1963) who was the model for screenwriterThe site also features quotations by and about theGeorge Boxley were only some of the events usedauthor, accompanied by photographs.It presentsby Fitzgerald in his last novel.The hero, Monroethe complete texts of early short stories and fea-Stahr, was based on Irving Thalberg.Narrator Cece-tures facsimiles of their original appearances in Thelia Brady, in addition to having some of SCOTTIESATURDAY EVENING POST.The site includes mate-FITZGERALD s characteristics, was also based partlyrial on the career of ZELDA FITZGERALD and pro-on Budd Schulberg, and Kathleen Moore resembledvides Internet links to other author Web sites.Sheilah Graham.During his final stay in Hollywood, Fitzgeraldby Park Buckerlived at the GARDEN OF ALLAH until April 1938,Hotel de la Paix Hotel in LAUSANNE, SWITZER-when he rented a bungalow at MALIBU BEACH.InLAND, where Fitzgerald lived in fall 1930.November 1938 he moved to BELLY ACRES inENCINO, where he stayed until May 1940, when heHotel des Princes Hotel at the Piazza di Spagnamoved to 1403 North Laurel Avenue in Hollywood.in ROME, ITALY, where the Fitzgeralds lived for $525In November he moved into Sheilah Graham s first-a month from October 1924 to February 1925.floor apartment at 1443 North Hayworth after suf-fering a heart attack, and he died there of anotherHotel Rennert BALTIMORE hotel where Fitzgeraldheart attack on December 21, 1940.lived from March 30 to May 20, 1932, at the begin-The Hollywood years played an important role inning of ZELDA FITZGERALD s hospitalization at PHIPPSthe Fitzgerald REVIVAL.The posthumous publicationCLINIC; he moved from the hotel to LA PAIX.of The Last Tycoon began a groundswell of praise.The BRUCCOLI COLLECTION includes more thanHotel Tiberio Hotel in CAPRI, ITALY, where the2,000 pages of Fitzgerald s manuscripts, revised type-Fitzgeralds lived from February to April 1925.scripts, and working notes for MGM screenplays forA Yank at Oxford, Three Comrades, Infidelity, andHyères, France RIVIERA town where the Fitzger-The Women.Fitzgerald s secretary, FRANCES KROLL alds stayed at the Grimm s Park Hotel in May 1924Ring, gives an account of his life in Hollywood from before settling at the VILLA MARIE in VALESCUREApril 1939 to his death in Against the Current.in June.Iillustrations for Fitzgerald s magazine stories In it first in its February 21, 1932, issue.The illus-the 1920s and 1930s mass-circulation magazines trations highlight the elements that would appealprovided illustrations to accompany short stories and to the Post s mainstream audience.HENRIETTAnonfiction articles.Illustrations both attracted read- MCCAIG STARRETT s drawings for Babylon Revis-ers to a story and established its tone.SATURDAY ited emphasize the hero s adorable young daughterEVENING POST editor Wesley Stout described the rather than his debilitating alcoholism.The cap-artist s process: He studies [the story] sometimes tions similarly reflect the story s sentimentality.until he actually materializes a psychic portrait of the Charlie Wales tells his daughter, Honoria Wales:author, who subconsciously, had made himself the But you won t always like me best, Honey.You llhero ( Yes, We Read the Story, Post, 204 [June 25, grow up and meet somebody your own age and go1932], p.8).Because Fitzgerald was a top magazine marry him, and forget you ever had a daddy (p.writer, editors assigned top illustrators to his work, 3).By stressing the daughter s role in the story,including ARTHUR WILLIAM BROWN, JAMES MONT- the Post focuses on Honoria s chance for a positiveGOMERY FLAGG, and F.R.GRUGER.future rather than the final isolation of Wales.The illustrations for Fitzgerald s stories often For most authors the artists worked from a com-reflected the author s handsome and glamorous pleted story or first installment of a series
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