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.At the most sinister levels it has permittedand even legitimized a vast explosion of unhinged thought and action,namely anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, and a wide variety of conspir-acy theories.(The so-called  conspiracy theories that so alarm this Zionist theo-retician are those that dare to challenge the  official views of what real-ly happened on September 11, 2001.He is inflamed that millions of peo-ple in Europe and the Muslim world not to mention the United States have raised questions about Israeli foreknowledge and/or involvement inthose events.)In any case, what Joffe describes as  the other kind of liberal inter-nationalism is what the Zionist movement favors and Joffe defines it:The American Empire has no real or theoretical competitors.The goal of theAmerican Empire in the 21st century is not territorial control or the exploitationof resources but political and economic leadership which defends and advancesAmerican interests, and which promotes the development and well being of allnations.Given our history and our values, that future lies in leveraging theAmerican Empire in such a way that it becomes the basis of a new democraticinternational system.Ultimately the only answer for a stable and prosperous planet will be a glob-al system that is structurally and morally similar to the American union semi-autonomous states with secular, liberal democratic systems; where states have bothprescribed rights and agreed upon responsibilities in a larger secular, liberal dem-ocratic framework; one equipped with checks and balances and meaningful insti-tutions; with governance based on rule of law and tolerant and pluralist values.In the second-part of his extended essay, published in the Winter 2004issue of JINSA s journal, Joffe pursued this line of thought further,expanding on his call for what he described as  an empire that looks likeAmerica. 138Amazingly, Joffe frankly talks about the United States engaging inmassive imperial conquests in the trouble-torn regions of Africa pre-sumably after the United States has already made havoc in the Arab coun-tries of the Middle East:The conditions under which America and its allies would simply take overand restore African countries are far from clear.What are the thresholds for inter-vention? What are the procedures and outcomes? Who will fight and who willpay? The restoration of Africa would involve long-term commitments andimmense costs, of the sort that could only be paid for by Africa itself.That is tosay, it would probably require American economic control, to go along withpolitical and cultural control.Colonialism is always pay as you go, and it is notpretty.The question is both whether Africa can pay the price (or afford not to)and whether America has the stomach.Of course, Africa is not the only target of Joffe and his like-mindedschemers (and that is precisely what they are, however,  extreme that 102 MICHAEL COLLINS PIPERterm may be perceived).In fact, Joffe talks of a wide-ranging global agen-da well beyond the African continent.In the end, however, Joffe lets the cat out of the bag, about the realintentions of those who are using United States military power as themechanism for a bigger agenda. New arrangements, he says,  mustcome into being under American leadership to provide an alternative forstates that are willing to accept rights and responsibilities. Joffe dreamsof a United Nations that has been re-made under the imperial force of theUnited States.And ultimately, he predicts the possibility of a world gov-ernment, writing:Possibly, after a period of chaos and anger, which in any event would simplyintensify existing states of being, the institution [the United Nations] might bebludgeoned into changing.[Note his use of the term  bludgeoned.  MCP]Rather than a club that admits all, the 21st century United Nations mightsomeday, somehow be remade into an exclusive, by invitation, members-onlygroup, of free, democratic states, sharing similar values.Or in the end, replacedby one.That day, however, may be decades off.Should there be any doubt that he is talking about world government,note Joffe s concluding words:The best way to preserve the American empire is to eventually give it up.Setting the stage for global governance can only be done with American leader-ship and American-led institutions of the sort schematically outlined here.So it is.Despite all the high-sounding rhetoric about  democracy,what it all comes down to in the words of this pro-Israel ideologue isthe use of America s military power to advance another (secret) agendaaltogether.Even many of those grass-roots American flag-wavers (whomay be genuine patriots) who relish the concept of an American empiremay find Joffe s concepts somewhat different from what they otherwisemight perceive.But here, in the pages of a devotedly pro-Zionist journal, we learnprecisely what the  story behind the story actually happens to be.It hasnothing to do, really, even with a  strong America or, for that matter,even with America itself. The United States of America is simply a pawn albeit a powerfulone in the game, being ruthlessly shifted about in a scheme for worlddominance by an elite few operating behind the scenes.And, in the end, this does tell us very much about who The HighPriests of War really are and what their agenda is really all about.There sno mystery at all.What remains to be determined is what the American people and allother real patriots in nations around the globe intend to do about it.The question is this: will the world finally decide it is time to declarewar on The High Priests of War? MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Endnotes1Reported in multiple media sources including The New York Times on March 15, 2003.2Forward, Feb.28, 2003.(Kinsey s cited comments appeared online at Slate magazine atslate.com in an article dated Oct.24, 2002.)3Ibid.4Ha aretz, April 9, 2003.5Philip S.Golub. Inventing Demons. Counterpunch magazine online at counterpunchorg,April 5, 2003.English-language translation republished from LeMonde Diplomatique.6Michael Lind.Made in Texas: George W.Bush and the Southern Takeover of AmericanPolitics.(New York: Basic Books, 2003), p.138.7Stanley Heller writing on Feb.20, 2003 at antiwar.com8Professor Paul Gottfried, March 20, 2003 at http://www.lewrockwell.com/gottfried/got-tfried47.html.9The Sacramento Union, June 29, 1986.10Jonathan Clarke.The National Interest.Spring 2001.11Michael Lind.Made in Texas: George W.Bush and the Southern Takeover of AmericanPolitics.(New York: Basic Books, 2003), p.132.12 Distorting US Foreign Policy: The Israel Lobby and American Power. Michael Lind.Prospect, April 2002.13Ibid.14 Group Urges Pro-Israel Leaders Silence on Iraq. Washington Post, Nov.27, 2002.15Michael Lind.Made in Texas: George W.Bush and the Southern Takeover of AmericanPolitics.(New York: Basic Books, 2003), pp.140-141.16Time, February 17, 2003.17Ha aretz, February 18, 2003.18Ibid.19James Bennett writing in The New York Times, Feb.27, 2003.20See ADL website at adl.org.Statement issued dated March 21, 2003.21 The Bloodstained Path, Dennis Kucinich.The Progressive, November 2002.22Statement by Congressman Kucinich found at: http://www.kucinich.us/23US Congressional Record.Senate proceedings.March 19, 2003.24Bill and Kathleen Christison, writing in Counterpunch magazine at counterpunch.org, Dec.13, 2002.25Cited by Christison, Ibid.26Ibid [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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