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.The document is comparatively unimportant; the conditions to which it calls attention are of a very high degree of importance."when we become rulers we shall regard as undesirable the existence of any religion except our own, proclaiming One God with Whom our fate is tied as The Chosen People, and by Whom our fate has been made one with the fate of the world.For this reason we must destroy all other religions.Ifthereby should emerge contemporary atheists, then, as a transition step, this will not interfere withour aims.-The Fourteenth Protocol."A world coalition of Gentiles could cope with us temporarily, but we are assured against this by roots of dissension among them so deep that they cannot be torn out.We have created antagonism between the personal and national interests of the Gentiles by arousing religious and race hatreds which we have nourished in their hearts for twenty centuries."-The Fifth Protocol.CHAPTER 6AN INTRODUCTION TO THE "JEWISH PROTOCOLS"The documents most frequently mentioned by those who are interested in the theory of Jewish World Power rather than in the actual operation of that power in the world today, are those 24 documents known as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."The Protocols have attracted much attention in Europe, having been the center of an important storm of opinion in England, but discussion of them in the United States has been limited.Who it was that first entitled these documents with the name of the "Elders of Zion" is not known.It would be possible without serious mutilation of the documents to remove all hint of Jewish authorship, and yet retain all the main points of the most comprehensive program for world subjugation that has ever come to public knowledge.Yet to eliminate all hint of Jewish authorship would be to bring out a number of contradictions which do not exist in the Protocols in their present form.The purpose of the plan revealed in the Protocols is to undermine all authority in order that a new authority in the form of an autocracy may be set up.Such a plan would not emanate from a ruling class which already possessed authority, although it might emanate from anarchists.But anarchists do not avow autocracy as the ultimate condition they seek.The authors might be conceived as a company of French Subversives such as existed at the time of the French Revolution and had the infamous Duc d'Orleans as their leader, but this would involve a contradiction between the fact that those Subversives have passed away, and the fact that the program announced in these Protocols is being steadily carried out, not only in France, but throughout Europe, and very noticeably in the United States.In their present form which bears evidence of being their original form, there is no contradiction.Theallegation of Jewish authorship seems essential to the consistency of the plan.If these documents were the forgeries which Jewish apologists claim them to be, the forgers would probably have taken pains to make Jewish authorship so clear that their anti-Semitic purpose could easily have been detected.But only twice is the term "Jew" used in them.After one has read further than the average reader usually cares to go into such matters, one comes upon the plans for the establishment of the World Autocrat, and only then is it made clear of what lineage he is to be.But all through the documents there is left no doubt as to the people against whom the plan is aimed.It is not aimed against aristocracy as such.It is not aimed against capital as such.Very definiteprovisions are made for the enlistment of aristocracy, capital and government for the execution of theplan.It is aimed against the people of the world who are called "Gentiles." It is the frequent mentionof "Gentiles" that really decides the purpose of the documents.Most of the destructive type of "liberal" plans aim at the enlistment of the people as helpers; this plan aims at the degeneration of the people in order that they may be reduced to confusion of mind and thus manipulated.Popularmovements of a "liberal" kind are to be encouraged, all the disruptive philosophies in religion, economics, politics and domestic life are to be sown and watered, for the purpose of so disintegrating social solidarity and a definite plan, herein set forth, may be put through without notice, and the people then molded to it when the fallacy of these philosophies is shown.The formula of speech is not, "We Jews will do this," but "The Gentiles will be made to think and dothese things." With the exception of a few instances in the closing Protocols, the only distinctive racialterm used is "Gentiles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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