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.If the Au-dio Out Clipping indicator lights up, you should play back the section againwhile checking the Hardware Interface.Each output socket has a level meter - ifthe red meter segment lights up, the output is clipping.Lower the output level ofthe device connected to the clipping output, until no clipping occurs.Clipping on the stereo outputs.If you are using ReWireIf you are streaming audio to another application using the ReWire protocol,clipping can not happen in Reason.This is because the conversion from floatingpoint audio happens in the other audio application.See the electronic documen-tation for more information about ReWire.46AUDIO BASICS D Managing the Rack6 About this Chapter Creating DevicesAs you have seen by now, the central part of Reason is the rack.This is where To create a new device, select the desired item on the Create menu.This menuyou create and configure your devices, and make parameter settings.This chap- is available both on the main menu bar and on the context menus (see page 38ter describes all the procedures for managing the rack, that is, procedures and for an introduction to context menus).techniques common to all devices.Device parameter specifics are described inthe electronic documentation.Navigating in the RackIf the rack contains more than a few devices, the whole rack will probably not fit on screen.To scroll the rack up or down, use one of the following methods:D Use the scrollbar to the right of the rack to scroll continuously up ordown.D If you re using a mouse equipped with a scroll wheel, you can use itto scroll up or down.D Use the Page Up/Page Down buttons on the computer keyboard tomove the view one  full screen up or down.D Use the Home or End buttons on the computer keyboard to scrollthe top or bottom of the rack.D Pull down a device context menu and select another device from The Create menu on the main menu barand on a context menu.the Go To submenu.The rack scrolls to the device you select.D The new device is added directly below the currently selected de-*' When you select a device or its sequencer track (see page 61), Rea-vice in the rack.son will automatically scroll the rack to make the device visible.If no device is selected, the new device is added at the bottom of the rack.Note that you can enlarge the rack area by clicking its lower edge (the dividerD When you add a new device, Reason attempts to route it in a logicalbetween the rack and the sequencer area) and dragging downwards.This willway.shrink the sequencer area and make more of the rack visible (alternatively, youFor an introduction to the auto-routing features, see page 51.can detach the sequencer from the rack altogether.This is described on page60).You can also make the rack fill the window by clicking the maximize buttonD A new track will automatically be created in the sequencer, andabove the scrollbar to the right.routed to the new device.The track will have the same name as the device.MIDI input will also auto-matically be set to the new track, allowing you to immediately play the cre-ated device via MIDI (see page 54).! By default, this only applies to instrument devices, not to mixers oreffect devices.If you hold down [Option] (Mac) or [Alt] (Windows)when you create the device, the opposite is true, i.e.mixers and ef-fect devices get new tracks but instrument devices don t.The rack maximize button.48MANAGING THE RACK Selecting Devices Deleting DevicesSome operations (e.g.cutting, copying and deleting devices) require that you To delete one or several devices, select them and use one of the following meth-select one or several devices in the rack.This is done according to the following ods:rules:D Hold down [Command] (Mac) or [Ctrl] (Windows) and press [Back-D To select a single device, click on it in the rack.space] or [Delete].The selected device is displayed with a colored border (based on the colorD Select  Delete Device from the Edit menu or the device contextscheme selected for your operating system).menu.You can also automatically delete devices when you delete sequencer tracks: Ifthere is a single sequencer track routed to a device, and you delete this track,you will be asked whether you want to delete the device as well (see page 63).! If you delete a device connected between two other devices, theconnection between these is automatically preserved.D To select several devices, hold down [Shift] and click.! The Hardware Interface device at the top of the rack cannot be re-In other words, [Shift]-clicking a device selects it without de-selecting anyother selected devices.moved.D To de-select all devices, click in the empty space at the bottom ofthe rack [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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