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.1999."Facial expres-sions." In T.Dalgleish & T.Power (eds.), The Handbook of Cognition andEmotion.Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons.See pages 301-20.11.Karl was then married to the former roommate (Eleanor Rosch) of my thenwife, Diana, and had heard through his wife, from my wife, about what Iclaimed to have found.12.Ekman, "Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions of emo-tion."13.Wierzbicka, A.1999.Emotions Across Languages and Cultures: Diversity andUniversals.Paris: Cambridge University Press.14.Thompson, J.1941."Development of facial expression of emotion in blindand seeing children." Archives of Psychology, 37.Fulcher, J.S.1942." 'Voluntary' facial expression in blind and seeing children." Archives of Psychology, 38.Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I.1970.Ethology, the Biology of Behavior.New York: Holt,Reinhart and Winston.Galati, D., Scherer, K.R.& Ricci-Bitti, P.E.1997."Voluntary facial expression of emotion: Comparing congenitally blind withnormally sighted encoders." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73: 1363-79.15.Ekman, P.& Friesen, W.V.1978.Facial Action Coding System: A Techniquefor the Measurement of Facial Movement.Palo Alto, Calif.: Consulting Psy-chologists Press.An electronic second edition was published in 2002.Ekman,P.& Rosenberg, E.L.1997.What the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studiesof Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS).NewYork: Oxford University Press.Cohn, J.F., Zlochower, A., Lein, J.&Kanade, T.1999."Automated face analysis by feature point tracking hashigh concurrent validity with manual FACS coding." Psychophysiology, 36:35-43.Bartlett, M.S., Viola, P.A., Sejnowski, T.J., Golomb, B.A., Larsen,J., Hager, J.C.& Ekman, P.1996."Classifying facial action." In D.Touret-zky, M.Mozer, & M.Hasselmo (eds.), Advances in Neural Information Pro-cessing Systems 8.Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.See pages 823-29.16.See a number of articles and books for further information: Levenson, R.W.,Ekman, P., Heider, K.& Friesen, W.V.1992."Emotion and autonomicnervous system activity in the Minangkabau of West Sumatra." Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, 62: 972—88.Levenson, R.W., Carstensen,L.L., Friesen, W.V.& Ekman, P.1991."Emotion, physiology, and expres-sion in old age." Psychology and Aging, 6: 28-35- Levenson, R.W., Ekman, P.& Friesen, W.V.1990."Voluntary facial action generates emotion-specificautonomic nervous system activity." Psychophysiology, 27: 363-84.Ekman,P., Levenson, R.W.& Friesen, W.V.1983."Autonomic nervous systemactivity distinguishes between emotions." Science, 221: 1208-10.Ekman, P.& Davidson, R.1994.The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions.NewYork: Oxford University Press.Ekman, P.& Davidson, R.J.1993."Volun-tary smiling changes regional brain activity." Psychological Science, 4: 342-45-Davidson, R.J., Ekman, P., Saron, C, Senulis, J.& Friesen, W.V.1990."Emotional expression and brain physiology I: Approach/withdrawal and ce-rebral asymmetry." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58: 330-41.Ekman, P., Davidson, R.J.& Friesen, W.V.1990."Emotional expressionand brain physiology II: The Duchenne smile." Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology, 58: 342-53.17.Ekman, P.1985.Telling Lies; Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Marriage,and Politics.New York: W.W.Norton.A third edition was published byW.W.Norton in 2002.Ecoff, N.L, Ekman, P., Mage, J.J.& Frank, M.G.2000."Lie detection and language loss." Nature, 405: 139.Frank, M.G.& Ekman, P.(submitted)."Appearing truthful generalizes across differentdeception situations." Bugental, D.B., Shennum, W.; Frank, M.& Ekman,P.2000." 'True Lies': Children's abuse history and power attributions asinfluences on deception detection." In V.Manusov & J.H.Harvey (eds.), Attribution, Communication Behavior, and Close Relationships.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.See pages 248-65.Ekman, P., O'Sullivan, M.& Frank, M.1999."A few can catch a liar." Psychological Science, 10: 263-66.Ekman, P.1997."Lying and Deception." In N.L.Stein, P.A.Ornstein, B.Tversky, & C.Brainerd (eds.), Memory for Everyday and EmotionalEvents.Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.See pages 333-47.Frank, M.G.& Ekman, P.1997."The ability to detect deceit generalizesacross different types of high-stake lies." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72: 1429-39.18.The participants at this meeting were: Richard Davidson, Paul Ekman, OwenFlannagen, Daniel Goleman, Mark Greenberg, Thupten Jinpa, MatthieuRicard, Jeanne Tsai, Francisco Varela, and B.Alan Wallace.19.Thanks to the Mind Life Foundation for inviting me to participate in thismeeting, especially to Adam Engle, Richard Davidson, and Dan Goleman.20.LeDoux, J.E.1996.The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings ofEmotional Life.New York: Simon and Schuster.Pankssepp, J.1998.TheFoundations of Human and Animal Emotions.New York: Oxford UniversityPress.Damasio, A.R.1994.Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason and the HumanBrain.New York: Putnam.Rolls, E.T.1999.The Brain and Emotion.NewYork: Oxford University Press.2: When Do We Become Emotional?1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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