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.NP.20.18 D6-30151-425 December 19, 2000 Normal Procedures -Amplified Procedures747 Operations ManualAfter Start ProcedureAPU selector.OFFHydraulic demand pump selectors.AUTONACELLE ANTI ICE switches.As requiredAFT CARGO HEAT switch.As requiredPack control selectors.NORMRECALL switch.PushVerify only appropriate alert messages displayed.Cancel when review completed.CDU.CheckVerify takeoff speeds selected.Ground equipment.ClearAccomplish AFTER START checklist.Before Takeoff ProcedurePilot Flying Pilot Not FlyingObtain taxi clearanceBrief taxi clearanceRelease parking brake.Call for  FLAPS _____ as required Position Flap lever to takeoff setting.for takeoff.Accomplish takeoff briefing.Notify flight attendants.Call for  BEFORE TAKEOFF Accomplish BEFORE TAKEOFFCHECKLIST.checklist.Copyright © The Boeing Company.See title page for details.December 19, 2000 D6-30151-425 NP.20.19 Normal Procedures -Amplified Procedures747 Operations ManualTakeoff ProcedurePilot Flying Pilot Not FlyingAlign airplane with runway.Position Inboard Landing Lights andStrobe Light switches ON.Position Transponder Mode selector toTA/RA.Advance Thrust levers toapproximately 70% N1 and allowengines to stabilize.PushTO/GAswitchtoadvance Thrustlevers to takeoff thrust, or manuallyadvance Thrust levers to takeoff thrust.Verify correct takeoff thrust set.Monitor engine instruments throughouttakeoff.Adjust takeoff thrust prior to 80 knots ifrequired.Note: After takeoff thrust is set, Captain s hand must be on Thrustlevers until V1.Verify 80 knots.Call  80 KNOTS.Monitor airspeed noting V1.Call  V1.Rotate at VR.At VR, call  ROTATE.Establish positive rate of climb.Monitor airspeed and vertical speed.Call for  GEAR UP when positive Verify positive rate of climb; then,rate of climb established.position Landing Gear lever UP.Verify LNAV, VNAV engaged.When above minimum altitude forautopilot engagement, engage A/P.Verify acceleration at acceleration Position Flap lever as directed.height.Call for  FLAPS ____ according toflap retraction schedule.Verify climb thrust set.Position Landing Gear lever OFF.Call for  AFTER TAKEOFF Accomplish AFTER TAKEOFFCHECKLIST. checklist.Copyright © The Boeing Company.See title page for details.NP.20.20 D6-30151-425 December 19, 2000 Normal Procedures -Amplified Procedures747 Operations ManualClimb and Cruise ProcedurePilot Flying Pilot Not FlyingNacelle Anti-ice selectors AUTO.Above 10,000 feet, position InboardLanding Light switches OFF.At transition altitude, set altimeters to standard (29.92/1013).When FUEL PMP STAB L and Rmessages are displayed and tankquantity is zero, push both Stabilizertank L and R Pump switches off.When FUEL OVRD CTR L or Rmessages are displayed and the tankquantity is less than 900 kgs, push bothCenter L and R Pump switches off.When FUEL TANK/ENG message isdisplayed and fuel quantity in tank 2 isless than or equal to tank 1 or tank 3 isless than or equal to tank 4, pushOverride Forward and Aft Pumpswitches 2 and 3 off and crossfeedvalve switches 1 and 4 off.Prior to top of descent, modify activeroute as required for arrival andapproach.When cleared to descend, set clearancelimit altitude on MCP.Copyright © The Boeing Company.See title page for details.December 19, 2000 D6-30151-425 NP.20.21 Normal Procedures -Amplified Procedures747 Operations ManualApproach and Landing ProcedurePilot Flying Pilot Not FlyingReview all messages.Recall and review all messages.Verify VREF speed.Select VREF speed.Verify correct arrival and approach procedures are selected.Set approach DH or MDA on PFD as required.Complete approach brief.At transition level, set all altimeters.Set Autobrakes selector to desiredbrake setting.*(*Refer to Flight Planning andPerformance Manual for stoppingdistance information.)Call for  APPROACH CHECKLIST.Accomplish APPROACH checklist.At 10,000 feet, position InboardLanding Light switches ON.Call for  FLAPS ____ according to Position Flap lever as directed.flap extension schedule.When on localizer intercept heading: Set Transponder selector to desiredTCAS mode." verify ILS tuned and identified" LOC and G/S pointersdisplayed" arm APP mode.Call for  GEAR DOWN and  FLAPS Position Landing Gear lever DN and20.flap lever to 20.Position Speedbrake lever to ARM.At glideslope capture, call for  FLAPS Position Flap lever as directed.____ as required for landing.Setmissed approach altitude on MCP.At final approach fix/OM, verify crossing altitude.Call for  LANDING CHECKLIST.Accomplish LANDING checklist.Monitor approach progress.Verify autoland status.Copyright © The Boeing Company.See title page for details.NP.20.22 D6-30151-425 December 19, 2000 Normal Procedures -Amplified Procedures747 Operations ManualGo Around ProcedurePilot Flying Pilot Not FlyingPush TO/GA switch.Position Flap lever to 20.Call for  FLAPS 20.Verify rotation to go around attitude and thrust increase.Verify thrust adequate for go around;adjust if necessary.After positive rate of climb established, Verify positive rate of climb, thencall for  GEAR UP. position Landing Gear lever UP.Above 400 feet radio altitude, selectLNAV.Above 1,000 feet radio altitude, selectVNAV or FLCH.Call for  FLAPS __ according to flap Position Flap lever as directed [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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