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.All this we cannization within the United Nations (UN), do.And all this we will do. Eighteenth Amendment (1919) 23*'Theodore Roosevelt set aside almost Howard Taft s administration (1909150 million acres (60,702,846.3 hect- 1913), several of the government sares) of timberland as a forest reserve.coal-reserve lands and waterpowerHe also created five national parks.In sites were turned over to private busi-1908, Roosevelt held a national con- nesses, an action for which Giffordference on conservation.Attended Pinchot criticized the secretary of theby state and federal officials, as well interior, Richard Ballinger.Taft thenas by private citizens, the meeting fired Pinchot, who was still in chargehelped sway public opinion in favor of the Forest Service.Ultimately, Pres-of conservation.Soon, 41 states set ident Taft s image was severely dam-up conservation commissions to aged by these anti-conservationistpreserve natural resources within actions.their borders.ESee also: Roosevelt, Theodore.OPPOSITION TO CONSERVATION FFURTHERREADINGThe conservation policies of Roose-Gore, Al.An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisisvelt and Pinchot met severe opposi-of Global Warming.New York: Vikingtion from several sources.ForJuvenile, 2007.example, the electric power industryGreenland, Paul R., and Annamarie L.Shel-opposed the government s dam-don.Career Opportunities in Conservationbuilding program because the damsand the Environment.New York: Check-mark Books, 2007.took potential business and revenueHarmon, Daniel E.Al Gore and Globalaway from the electric companies.InWarming.New York: Rosen Publishing,addition, the coal and lumber compa-2008.nies wanted to take over the govern-Miller, Char.Gifford Pinchot and the Makingment s land reserve so they couldof Modern Environmentalism.Washing-harvest the lands resources.ton, D.C.: Island Press, 2004.The conflict between the conser-Steen, Harold K.The U.S.Forest Service: Avationists and their opponents cameHistory.Seattle: University of Washingtonto a head in 1909.During William Press, 2004.E Fsinful life.These people, among themEighteenth Amendmenta variety of religious reformers,(1919)feared that God would no longerAmendment to the U.S.Constitution bless the United States.In addition,that prohibited the manufacture, they also believed that these sinnerssale, or transportation of liquor posed a threat to America s demo-within the United States and its ter- cratic political system and that theritories.During the early nineteenth nation needed solid, upstanding citi-century, many citizens became con- zens who did not engage in immoralvinced that Americans were living a acts. 24 Eighteenth Amendment (1919)JRISE OF THE MOVEMENT The largest organization estab-Because of the desire to improve so- lished to advocate temperance wascial and political conditions in the the American Temperance Society.United States, many people became By the mid-1830s, more than 200,000involved in reform movements dur- people belonged to this organization.ing the mid-1800s, especially the tem- The American Temperance Societyperance movement.Temperance published pamphlets and hired speak-supporters encouraged Americans to ers to inform the public about thereduce the amount of alcohol that negative effects of alcohol upon peo-they consumed.Ideally, they felt, all ple and society.Americans would give up alcohol Thus, the movement leadingentirely, but most temperance advo- up to national Prohibition was the re-cates were willing to settle for re- sult of almost a century-long, broad-duced consumption.based temperance crusade.VoluntaryOutlawing Alcoholassed at the height of the Progressive Era, the Eigh-Pteenth Amendment prohibited the use, manufac-ture, or sale of intoxicating liquor in the United Statesand its territories.Prohibition proved unpopular withthe vast majority of the American public, however, andcreated a demand for  bootleg, or illegal, alcohol.Asa result, during the 1920s and early 1930s, criminal andgang activity related to bootleg liquor increased sig-nificantly.The Eighteenth Amendment was repealedby the Twenty-first Amendment in 1933.Section 1.After one year from have concurrent power tothe ratification of this article enforce this article by appro-the manufacture, sale, or priate legislation.transportation of intoxicating Section 3.This article shallliquors within, the importa- be inoperative unless it shalltion thereof into, or the have been ratified as anexportation thereof from the amendment to the Constitu-United States and all territory tion by the legislatures of thesubject to the jurisdiction several States, as provided inthereof for beverage pur- the Constitution, withinposes is hereby prohibited.seven years from the date ofSection 2.The Congress the submission hereof to theand the several States shall States by the Congress. Election of 1912 25*'abstinence campaigns, resulting conventions approved the amend-from the efforts of the American Tem- ment, ending Prohibition.perance Society and other suchSee also: Prohibition; Temperancegroups, successfully reduced Ameri-Movement.can alcohol consumption.After theCivil War (1861 1865), temperanceFURTHERREADINGsupporters sought legal bans on li-Lieurance, Suzanne.The Prohibition Era inquor to extend the benefits of absti-American History.Berkeley Heights, N.J.:nence, or refraining from anyEnslow Publishers, 2003.consumption of alcohol.Lucas, Eileen.The Eighteenth and Twenty-During the 1850s, 12 states briefly First Amendments: Alcohol Prohibitionand Repeal.Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslowadopted prohibition laws.FromPublishers, 1998.about the 1880s until World War IE(1914 1918), local and statewideFprohibition laws spread [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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