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I say "Areyou sure of that?" and they sayThe idea of generative change is really hard to sell to psychologists.Business people are much more interested, and they're more willingand able to pay to learn how to do it.Often we do groups in whichabout half of them are business people, and half of them are therapists.I say "Now, what I want you to do is to go inside and think of threereally different The business people go inside and sell a car,win a lawsuit, and meet somebody they really enjoy.The therapists goinside and get beaten up as a child, have a divorce, and have the worstprofessional failure and humiliation of their life!We are currently investigating what we call generative personality.We are finding people who are geniuses at things, finding out thesequence of unconscious programming that they use, and installingthose sequences in other people to find out if having that unconsciousprogram allows them to be able to do the task.The "cloning" thing wedid for the ad agency is an example of doing that at the corporate level.When we do that, things which were problems, and would havebeen meat for therapy, disappear.We completely bypass the wholephenomenon of working with problems, because when the structure ischanged, everything changes.And problems are only a function ofstructure.Man: Can that present new problems?Yes, but they are interesting, evolutionary ones.Everything presentsproblems, but the new ones are much more interesting."What are yougoing to evolve yourself to become today?" is a very different way ofapproaching change than "Where is it wrong?" or "How are youinadequate?" I remember once I was in a group with therapistand he said "Who wants to work today?" Nobody raised their hand.And he said "There's really no one in here that has a pressingproblem?" People looked at each other, shook their heads, and said"No." He looked at the people and said "What's wrong with you? Youare not in touch with what's really going on if there's no pain Hereally made that statement; I was flabbergasted.Suddenly all thesepeople went into pain.They all said "You're right! If I have no pain, I'mnot real." Boom, they all went into pain, so then he had something todo therapy with.That model of change does not produce really generative, creativehuman beings.I want to make structures that are conducive to creatingexperiences which will result in people who are interesting.People192come out of therapy being lots of things, but rarely interesting.I don'tthink that it's anybody's fault.I think it's a result of the whole systemand the that underlie the system of psychotherapy andcounseling.Most people are totally unconscious of what thosepresuppositions are.As I walked around watching and listening to you practicingrefraining, I saw a lot of you reverting to other patterns that I'm sureare characteristic of your habitual behavior in therapy, rather thantrying something new.And that reminded me of a story:Some fifteen or so years ago when the Denver zoo was going througha major renovation, there was a polar bear there, which had arrived atthe zoo before a naturalistic environment was ready for it.Polar bears,by the way, are one of my favorite animals.They are very playful; theyare big and graceful and do lots of nice things.The cage that it was putin temporarily was just big enough that the polar bear could take threenice, swinging steps in one direction, whirl up and around and comedown and take three steps in the other direction, back and forth.Thepolar bear spent many, many months in that particular cage with thosebars that restricted its behavior in that way.Eventually a naturalisticenvironment in which they could release the polar bear was builtaround this cage, on-site.When it was finally completed, the cage wasremoved from around the polar bear.Guess what happened?And guess how many those students at that university are stillgoing down the maze, still trying to find the five-dollar bill? They sneakin at night and run down the maze to look and see if it just might bethere this time.We have been deluging you with information for three days now,totally overloading your conscious resources.And we'd like to offeryou a couple of allies in this process which we have discovered arehelpful to some people.Do people read Carlos Castenada here? He's awhacko multiple personality with an Indian friend.There's a section inbook two or three in which Don Juan gives a piece of advice to Carlos.We would not give this piece of advice to any of you, but we will repeatit for whatever it's worth.You see, what Juan wanted to do to we wouldn't, ofcourse, want to do to to find some way of motivating tobe congruent and expressive in his behavior at all times, as creative ashe could be as a human being.He wanted to mobilize his resources sothat each act that Carlos performed would be a full representation of193all the potential that was available to the personal power thathe had that was available to him at any moment in time.Specifically what Juan told Carlos was "At any moment that youfind yourself hesitating, or if at any moment you find yourself puttingoff until tomorrow trying some new piece of behavior that you coulddo today, or doing something you've done before, then all you need todo is glance over your left shoulder and there will be a fleeting shadow.That shadow represents your death, and at any moment it might stepforward, place its hand on your shoulder and take you.So that the actthat you are presently engaged in might be your very last act andtherefore fully representative of you as your last act on this planet."One of the ways you can use this constructively is to understand thatit is indulgent to hesitate.When you hesitate, you are acting as though you are immortal.Andyou, ladies and gentlemen, are not.You don't even know the place and the hour of your death.And so one thing you can to remind yourself that not to botherto hesitate is not to act is to just suddenly glanceover your left shoulder and remember that death is standing there, andmake death your advisor.He or she will always tell you to dosomething representative of your full potential as a person.You canafford no less.Now, that's a little bit heavy.That's why we wouldn't tell that to you.We noticed that Juan told Carlos.We offer you an alternative.If at any point you discover yourself hesitating, or beinggruent, or putting off until tomorrow something you could try now, orjust needing some new choices, or being bored, glance over your rightshoulder and there will be two madmen there, sitting on stools,insulting you.And as soon as we finish the insults, you may ask us any question.And that's just one way that your unconscious can present to you allthe material that it has learned and represented during these three days.Now, there's only one other thing that we like to do at the end of aworkshop.And that is toGoodbye!NoteIt is a common experience with many people when they are introduced toProgramming and first being to learn the techniques, to becautious and concerned with the possible uses and misuses of the technology.We fully recognize the great power of the information presented in this bookand whole-heartedly recommend that you exercise caution as you learn andapply these techniques of a practitioner of NLP, as a protection for you andthose around you.It is for this reason that we also urge you to attend onlythose seminars, workshops, and training programs that have been officiallydesigned and certified by Richard Bandler or John Grinder.These will bemost often presented under the auspices of Grinder, & Associates orRichard Bandler and Associates.Writing both the following addresses is a way to insure Richard Bandler orJohn Grinders' full endorsement of the quality of services and/or trainingrepresented as NLP
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