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.The Sun may provide Mercury withopportunities for literary endeavor or suggest areas of study that may prove fruitful.Mercury is likelyto find a helpful collaborator in the Sun, provided he listens to the Sun's ideas with attention and duedeference.When either body is debilitated or there is an adverse aspect between them the results are hardlylikely to be disastrous, although the Sun may find Mercury frivolous or his ideas unworthy of seriousattention, while Mercury may feel that the Sun is unable to appreciate the spirit in which his ideas areconceived and communicated.Usually the Sun will influence Mercury and in a favorable combination, Mercury can prove to be anefficient interpreter of and a helpful agent for his solar partner's ideas, while the unfavorable aspectsmay result in his advocacy of the partner's cause doing more harm than good.Sun/VenusThis is a highly satisfactory contact for any type of partnership and one frequently found between thehoroscopes of marriage partners.It promises a congenial relationship unless either body is muchafflicted at birth, although if there is an adverse aspect between them or either is debilitated the Sunmay find that he does not share the tastes and leisure interests of his partner, who may seem to himto be too self-indulgent.Generally speaking, the Sun and Venus have no trouble in keeping onfriendly terms and unless there are strong impediments elsewhere, the Sun's warmth can draw agood deal of affection from Venus, who will recognize in the solar partner some-one who is well worthmaking a special effort to please, while the Sun, unless unutterably complacent, will feel flattered bythe warmth of affection that he is able to inspire.The high degree of harmony that can exist under the good aspects can produce the kind of marriagepartnership where the couple are regarded as being "made for each other," while in other types ofrelationship, mutual affection and esteem can combine to cement a friendship or produce anunusually harmonious link and an extra capacity for co-operation between casual acquaintances.The adverse aspects rarely signify major difficulties though disharmonies may occur as a result ofVenus using her persuasive powers for her own advantage, or leading the solar partner on, only towith-hold favors at the last minute.Hurt feelings and emotional disappointments can result from theSun's wounded pride, while Venus may sometimes feel that her partner is too dictatorial.Occasionallythe adverse aspects signify situations where the partners are temporarily separated, with the resultthat they find that "absence makes the heart grow fonder."The arrival of the Sun by progression at the conjunction of Venus, when this planet is aspected byanother person's Sun may signal the beginning of a highly significant relationship between them. Sun/MarsThis is a contact frequently found between the horoscopes of marriage partners.Occurring in otherareas of human relationship it usually means that the two people concerned will take notice of eachother, since the combined influence of the two bodies is likely to create some degree of warmth, if notactually heat.In a romantic association, the desire nature represented by Mars, is stimulated by some basic innerquality of the solar partner's being.When it is the woman's Mars that is involved, her ideal of virilemasculinity is illuminated by the presence of her solar partner, who seems more desirable on thataccount, and so if her Mars is strong, she may be tempted to make the running.When it is the man'sMars that is involved, the aspect from his partner's Sun will encourage him to identify himself morethoroughly with his own concept of manliness.Such solar aspects to the Mars of either sex act tostimulate the desire nature.In other fields, Mars can arouse the sometimes dormant energies of the Sun and give impetus anddirection to his constructive efforts, while the Sun's benevolent interest can give Mars addedconfidence and the encouragement to sustain his efforts, when they might otherwise have flagged.A good deal of energy can be generated by this combination.If the bodies are in adverse aspect oreither is debilitated, this energy may be difficult to handle smoothly as the Sun's pride may clash withthe willfulness of Mars, resulting in a struggle for supremacy.According to the aspects the luminaryand planet receive at birth, the possible effects range from petty irritation and a tendency to argue atthe least provocation, to downright and open hostility and, in some cases, to violence.If the partners are continually in contact with each other they may feel that life together is rather likeliving on top of a volcano.When opposite sexes are involved, the relationship may function moresmoothly when the man's Mars is in aspect to the woman's Sun [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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