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.When the Suns are in adverse aspect to each other or either is in Aquarius or Libra, the contact maynot work out favorably.There may be a clash of wills, with each insisting upon his rights.When theSuns are in square, each partner should be prepared to surrender some sovereignty in order to helpthe relationship to work more smoothly.The differing talents and abilities which each brings to thepartnership should be appreciated as a contribution towards increasing the resources available toboth.Each may flourish more harmoniously if allowed to deploy his special talents in his own field of operation and in his own way, so that the partners do not get at cross-purposes.Each may then learnfrom the other and the relationship grows in value accordingly.The quincunx can pose difficult problems although this relationship can be highly educational.Onepartner may have to nurse the other or shoulder some of the other's burdens.Circumstances mayarise in the relationship which challenge one or both partners to transform some of their longestablished attitudes and habits.Statistical studies comparing the horoscopes of married couples suggest that the sextile aspectoccurs very frequently in harmonious marriages and that the square is most often present indiscordant partnerships.Sun/MoonThis is the classic compatibility combination, with the masculine and positive Sun joined to his natural mate, the feminine, receptive and passive Moon.The forces represented by the luminariescomplement each other, just as Night complements Day.In a man's horoscope, the Moon represents the type of feminine ideal that he carries in hissubconscious mind, as opposed to Venus, which represents among other things the more voluptuousaspects of femininity, particularly in relation to physical appeal.The Moon's attributes are more readily sensed at a psychic level.In the same way, the Sun in a woman's horoscope relates to her concept ofthe ideal man, as distinguished from Mars, which represents a more physical approach to the malesex.In an ideal marriage, true harmony should exist on all levels and good aspects between the partners'luminaries and between the partners' Venus and Mars ought to be present.In passing, it is worthnoting that Mars and Venus rule Aries and Taurus respectively, the first two signs, and the firstmasculine and feminine sector of the zodiac.In these two signs the luminaries are dignified, for theSun is exalted in Aries and the Moon in Taurus.Because the Sun is the masculine luminary and the Moon the feminine, it is often assumed that truecompatibility between the sexes requires that the male Sun be in favorable aspect to the femaleMoon, but when this combination is reversed it is no less potent, since a favorable aspect from thefemale partner's Sun to the male's Moon indicates that the woman is able to illuminate the man'sconcept of his ideal woman.Thus aspected, the male Moon is also able to reflect back to her thewoman's concept of the ideal man.In the marriage relationship the man's Sun can bring significance and illumination to the woman'sMoon, encouraging her to take pleasure in playing the role of wife, while the woman's Moon canmagnetically draw out the solar qualities that fit her partner to play the husband's role.In all types of relationship, the Moon can adapt to and sustain the Sun's quest for independent self-expression and an acknowledgement of his worth as an individual.The Moon instinctivelyunderstands the Sun's basic motives and responds accordingly.The Sun is likely to play the leadingrole in the relationship, with the Moon adapting to Sun's wishes.The conjunction is a particularly powerful contact between the horoscopes of opposite sexes andusually signifies a high degree of compatibility unless either luminary is much afflicted at birth, when antipathy may result.Between those of the same sex there is usually a great deal of sympathy so thata particularly happy friendship can develop.When the luminaries are in adverse aspect or either is debilitated, the Moon's sensitivity tends toplace it on the receiving end of any discords that may arise.This may accentuate any tendencies tomoodiness, so that the solar partner feels aggrieved and his pride is hurt at the suggestion that anyconduct of his could have brought about such a discord.Solar egotism may fail to take account of thedelicate and fragile susceptibilities of the Moon.The square is a particularly unaccommodating aspect and the Sun's capacity for self-esteem and belief in the Tightness of his cause may prove aninsurmountable obstacle to sympathetic acceptance of the partner's changes of mood and feeling, sothat the Moon may despair of ever getting her partner to show her the amount of consideration shefeels to be her due.She may be more concerned with life at the personal and emotional level, and notbe able to appreciate the broader considerations that motivate her solar partner.While the conjunction and sextile are often present between the nativities of marriage partners, the adverse aspects do not on their own necessarily indicate the type of incompatibility that leads to abreakdown of the relationship.To some extent they involve an element of fascination even whenstress is present at the same time.Sun/MercuryThe role of Mercury in facilitating communication is obviously helpful in any relationship, as a useful mental rapport can easily be established when the two bodies are in favorable aspect.In such cases,the Sun provides a willing listener, encouraging Mercury to communicate and put over ideas, so thatMercury feels he has a partner who really understands him.The Sun may provide Mercury withopportunities for literary endeavor or suggest areas of study that may prove fruitful.Mercury is likely to find a helpful collaborator in the Sun, provided he listens to the Sun's ideas with attention and due deference.When either body is debilitated or there is an adverse aspect between them the results are hardlylikely to be disastrous, although the Sun may find Mercury frivolous or his ideas unworthy of seriousattention, while Mercury may feel that the Sun is unable to appreciate the spirit in which his ideas are conceived and communicated.Usually the Sun will influence Mercury and in a favorable combination, Mercury can prove to be anefficient interpreter of and a helpful agent for his solar partner's ideas, while the unfavorable aspects may result in his advocacy of the partner's cause doing more harm than good.Sun/VenusThis is a highly satisfactory contact for any type of partnership and one frequently found between the horoscopes of marriage partners [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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