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.Remember that once you rim her, you can't lickher vulva until you've cleaned up. ORAL SEDUCTION " 91Female Genital MassageRight before, I have to get my pussy kneaded.Itgets me ready.Genital massage is a technique that can build andincrease a woman's arousal.Like a regular massage, it'sa very sensual form of contact and is very relaxing forthe recipient.Giving her mons veneris and vulva a mas-sage is highly recommended, whether it's a stopover onyour way to cunnilingus or a long, languorous part of anerotic full-body massage.You should not use oils on the vulva.You can givea dry massage, but a water-based lubricant is highlyrecommended.Start with light touches and strokes allover her torso and abdomen, upper thighs, and hips.Cup your hand over her vulva and hold it still for amoment.Press lightly, and begin to move your handin a barely discernable circular motion.Apply a steadypressure with the palm of your hand to her outer lips,and keep circling.Next, move on to these massagetechniques:" With both hands, press your flattened fingertips oneither side of her vulva." Using your thumb and forefinger on each of theouter labia, give a massaging pinch." Flatten both hands and stroke her outer lips, pullingup and down." With the same flat hand position, press the outerlabia in (toward each other), and out (away fromeach other)." Use the pads of your fingertips to stroke the outerlabia up and down, and massage into the furrowsbetween the inner and outer lips. 92 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUS" Flatten your palms on her thighs and massage insmall circles with your thumbs, working from bot-tom to top.Stay to the sides of her clitoris." Flatten your fingers over her vaginal opening andapply pressure in small circles." Alternate any of these techniques with the open-hand massage you started with.Starting LicksWhat I really love is moving around on my lover'svulva, teasing her not just focusing on the clit,but moving all around the inner lips, outer lips;,upper thighs, the entrance to the vagina.When Ido focus on the clit, I don't necessarily exert a lotof pressure; a light touch can be as arousing as ahard one.Now that you're both hot and bothered, you're ready totake the plunge.This is when you use your mouth to itsfullest advantage or in my opinion, for what it wasmade for.You've been licking everything but her clit thiswhole time, and by now you're feeling like you deservea treat for keeping your impulses in check.Your treat iscoming! You've been driving her wild with teasingstrokes and the heat of your soft tongue; now it's timeto approach her clitoris.As you move to the clitoris, lick the entire areaaround it until she's very aroused.Begin by gently hold-ing her labia open with your fingers, and starting on theside, run your tongue up and down the furrows along-side her clit, between the inner and outer lips.Gentlynibble, with your mouth only, her outer and inner labia.In this crucial buildup phase, try kissing her vulva the ORAL SEDUCTION " 93way you might kiss her mouth.Use your whole mouth,not just an extended tongue.Then, as if licking an ice-cream cone with a soft, flat tongue, give her one longsixty-second lick.Remember: going slowly is essential.Repeat the ice-cream licks if they were well received,until she begins to melt.Lazily circle her clit with your tongue.Keep in mindthat you should never go straight for it the clitoris isalways more sensitive at first so always lick the shaftfrom the sides.Some women will have a favorite side,so pay attention to her body language to see what shelikes.For instance, if she rocks her pelvis or moansappreciatively, then you'vefound a good spot.You'll How to Keep Your Lipstick Perfectalso want to notice if she is One issue particularly bothersomeresponding to a hard or soft to women of the more femmetongue: this will most likely persuasion, such as myself, is how tochange, but it's important keep our lipstick in order when goingto know what feels great for down on our sisters.Fortunately,her at this stage in her cosmetic companies have heard ourarousal.Pay particular cries of despair and have formulatedattention to her body when lipsticks with what they call "kissingyour tongue touches her power." These modern inventionsclit if she suddenly con- (found in drugstores) stay put for upvulses or jolts, you've hitto four hours and won't move nothe right spot, but with toomatter what set of lips you're kissing.much force.Does it seemYou can also find products in beautylike she's quivering? That'sstores called "lip set," a liquid youalso a sign for you to backbrush over your own perfect lipstickoff.If that happens, retreatapplication.This product is a modernto the sides of the clitoralmiracle it stays on for around sixhood and slow your pace.hours, and you can do anything withit on.Plus, you're not stuck with theLightly flick your tonguecolors in the "kissing power" lines.over the clitoral hood and 94 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUSshaft in side-to-side strokes.Not all women enjoy upstrokes on the hood, because they expose the sensitiveglans, so your best bet for a sensitive clit is always a side-to-side approach.Next, flatten your tongue and gentlyrun it over the hood and shaft you just flicked; thenreturn to the light flicker.This is when things will reallybegin to heat up for both of you: keep flicking and lether responses guide your pressure.She may want yourtongue to the side and firmer, or the flickering might bedriving her wild her breathing will change, her skinwill flush, her genitals may begin to swell, and her mus-cles will tense.Don't stop now, whatever you do,because you're about to get down to business [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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