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.See Edwin H.Ackerknecht, History and Geography of the Most Important1.See Virgil J.Vogel's American Indian Medicine (Norman, Oklahoma: Univer-Diseases (New York: Hafner Publishing Co., Inc., 1972) pp.148 -149.sity of Oklahoma Press, 1970). AN APPLE A DAY 5756 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Onesickle-cell anemia.Scientists have spent billions of dollars search-natural, tendency among many scientists and physicians to rejecting for a prevention of these cripplers and killers, but they are nothe vitamin-deficiency concept of disease until it is proven, andcloser to the answers today than they were when they started.proven, and proven again.Perhaps the reason is that they are still looking for that somethingBy 1952, Dr.Ernst T.Krebs, Jr., a biochemist in San Francisco,which causes these diseases instead of the lack of something.had advanced the theory that cancer, like scurvy and pellagra, isDr.Krebs has pointed out that, in the entire history of medicalnot caused by some kind of mysterious bacterium, virus, or toxin,science, there has not been one chronic, metabolic disease thatbut is merely a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of anwas ever cured or prevented by drugs, surgery, or mechanicalessential food compound in modern-man's diet.He identifiedmanipulation of the body.In every case whether it be scurvy,this compound as part of the nitriloside family which occurspellagra, rickets, beri-beri, night blindness, pernicious anemia, orabundantly in nature in over twelve-hundred edible plants andany of the others the ultimate solution was found only in factorsfound virtually in every part of the world.It is particularlyrelating to adequate nutrition.And he thinks that this is anprevalent in the seeds of those fruits in the Prunus Rosacea familyimportant clue as to where to concentrate our scientific curiosity(bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach, andin the search for a better understanding of today's diseases,plum), but also contained in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet,particularly cancer.cassava, linseed, apple seeds, and many other foods that, gener-But there are other clues as well.As everyone who owns aally, have been deleted from the menus of modern civilization.dog or cat has observed, these domesticated pets often seek outIt is difficult to establish a clear-cut classification for acertain grasses to eat even though they are adequately filled bynitriloside.Since it does not occur entirely by itself but rather isother foods.This is particularly likely to happen if the animals arefound in foods, it probably should not be classified as a food.Likenot well.It is interesting to note that the grasses selected bysugar, it is a food component or a food factor.Nor can it beinstinct are Johnson grass, Tunis grass, Sudan grass, and othersclassified as a drug inasmuch as it is a natural, non-toxic,that are especially rich in nitrilosides or vitamin B17.water-soluble substance entirely normal to and compatible withMonkeys and other primates at the zoo when given a freshhuman metabolism.The proper name for a food factor thatpeach or apricot will carefully pull away the sweet fleshy part,contains these properties is vitamin.Since this vitamin normally iscrack open the hard pit, and devour the seed that remains.found with the B-complex, and since it was the seventeenth suchInstinct compels them to do this even though they have neversubstance to be isolated within this complex, Dr.Krebs identifiedseen that kind of fruit before.These seeds are one of the mostit as vitamin B17.He said:concentrated sources of nitrilosides to be found anywhere inCan the water-soluble non-toxic nitrilosides properly benature.described as food? Probably not in the strict sense of the word.TheyWild bears are great consumers of nitrilosides in their naturalare certainly not drugs per se.Since the nitrilosides are neitherdiet.Not only do they seek berries that are rich in this substance,food nor drug, they may be considered as accessory food factors.but when they kill small grazing animals for their own food,Another term for water-soluble, non-toxic accessory food factors isvitamin.(1) instinctively they pass over the muscle portions and consumefirst the viscera and rumen which are filled with nitrilosideA chronic disease is one which usually does not pass away ofgrasses.(1)its own accord.A metabolic disease is one which occurs withinIn captivity, animals seldom are allowed to eat all the foods ofthe body and is not transmittable to another person.Cancer,their instinctive choice.In the San Diego Zoo, for example, thetherefore, being all of these, is a chronic, metabolic disease.routine diet for bears, although nutritious in many other respects,There are many of these diseases that plague modern man,is almost totally devoid of nitrilosides.In one grotto alone, over asuch as muscular dystrophy, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, andl.See Peter Krott, Ph.D., Bears in the Family (New York E.P.Dutton & Co.,1.Krebs, The Laetriles/Nitrilosides in the Prevention and Control of Cancer1962(Montreal: The McNaughton Foundation, n.d.), p.16. 58 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part One 59AN APPLE A DAYsix-year period, five bears died of cancer.It was generallyrather than bacteria and viruses, it wouldn't take them long to seespeculated by the experts that a virus had been the cause.why the cancer rate in America is steadily climbing.It is significant that one seldom finds cancer in the carcassesMeasured in terms of taste, volume, and variety, Americansof wild animals killed in the hunt.These creatures contract theeat very well, indeed.But expensive or tasty food is not necessar-disease only when they are domesticated by man and forced toily good food.Many people assume that it makes little differenceeat the foods he provides or the scraps from his table.what they put into their stomachs as long as they are full.It is amazing how cancer researchers can come face-to-faceMagically, everything that goes in somehow will be convertedwith this evidence and still fail to realize its significance.Dr.into perfect health.They scoff at the thought of proper diet.Yet,Dennis P [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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