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.The position of your right thumb should makethis squaring action easy.The left blank end remains in view, extending from theleft end of the squared cards.Fig.17, 18, & 19.128 STEP XII Without changing the position of any of your fingers, slide theentire packet to the left toward the crotch of your left thumb.Keep the ace's innerleft index corner pressed up against your left thumb to keep the index concealed.Continue sliding the packet to the left so that the left end of the ace hits the crotchof your left thumb and squares with the left end of the packet.This leaves the leftend of the squared packet held between your extended left thumb on top, andfingers below.Fig.20.129 As soon as the cards are square your right fingers slide the packet to the right to the tips of the left fingers.Immediately perfoirn the Ascanio Spread byfanning the top and bottom cards with your left fingers (your left thumb slides theking on top forward  your left fingers slide the jack on the bottom towardyourself), your right fingers move to the right with the face-up double queen heldby its sides.Fig.21.The bleached blonde has instantly undyed herself back into the colorful queen.This is a good thing.130 STEP XIII Place the double queen face up onto the face of the two left handcards and turn your left hand palm down to turn over the packet.Grasp the packetfrom above by its sides with your right fingers as your left fingers slide thebottom card away from the packet to the left.Your right hand drops its face-downpacket onto the deck as your right hand tosses the unbleached queen out to thehair dressers in the audience.And yes.you are clean.Official Note of Appreciation:For Richie Kaufman!  editor and subscriber to Richard's Almanac.During abrain storm session with Richie in New York, Richie was fooling with some acesand I noticed that he'd covered an index corner with another ace.I said, "HeyRichie, your cat's getting fur balls all over my sweater,  and by the way  itsort of looks like you've made one of the pips disappear on the ace." Richie said,"Hey Paul, you're getting sweater balls all over my cat  and what you'resuggesting with the aces does not amuse me." I said, "Hey Richie, exactly what isit that amuses you?"I spent the rest of the evening picking sweater balls out of the cat.Presentation:Get the cards set up on the face of thepack.STEP I "One thing people hardly ever notice about the jack, queen, and kingis their hair styles."Swivel the cards to "set" the ace.STEP II "Two out of three of these cards have your basic two dollar clip andrip hair cut.But one of them is a bleached blonde.The only way to get to the rootof the matter (ha) is to use a version of the old suicide blonde technique.dyedby her own hand."Get ready for the change.STEP III "Watch what happens when I use my hand and her hair to reveal thetotal bleached blonde look."Dothe change.STEP IV "It's hard to see her face with all that hair, so to uncover the bleachedblonde's personality I'll put her in the special bleacher seat."131 Sandwich the blonde  then remove the hair sandwichfrom the deck.STEP V ".and push back her hair."Squarethe blonde with the sandwich and Ascanio backher face.STEP VI  ".to hide the secret that only her hair dresser knows for sure."132 (Wherein a single card becomes frictionless.)The Seduction:How many of you out there have spent a large part of your formative yearslearning a second deal, and then didn't know what to do with it once you learned it?Let's have a show of hands.aha  I thought so.I can see the callouses on thelower left quadrants of your right thumbs from here.Now let me see your clothes.yes, that's what I was afraid of.An entire segment of the magic population  alldressed up with no place to go.What's that? You say you used it for a stop trickonce, and you know someone in Barstow who does it in place of a double lift.Ormaybe you're working on a high-tech gambling demo about marked cardsand loaded dice.Well, maybe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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