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Lumley Brian Nekroskop II (2)
.Maluch miał zaledwie pięć tygodni, ale był bystry.Na świecie działo się mnóstwo ciekawych rzeczy, które chciał poznać.Chciał tak bardzo, że wyglądało na to, iż do procesu dorastania podejdzie z najwyższą powagą.Czuła to w nim: jego umysł był ...
Sheldon Sidney Gdy nadejdzie jutro (SCAN dal 8
.- Kilka minut temu pociąg przekroczył granicęNew Jersey.Przewożenie kradzionych towarów przez granicę stanu jest przestępstwem federalnym.Tracy poczuła się słabo.Przed jej oczami pojawiła się czerwona plamka, zaciemniająca pole ...
252317758 Curso de Processo Penal Fernando Capez 2014
.401, § 1º).A partepoderá desistir da inquirição de qualquer das testemunhas arroladas, ressalvado o disposto noart.209 do Código (art.401, § 2º).Cumpre consignar que caberá primeiramente à parte quearrolou a testemunha e não ao juiz realizar as perguntas.O sistema ...
Professional Feature Writing Bruce Garrison(2)
.Susanna K. Hutcheson, a freelance writer living in Wichita, Kansas, sold an article to Entrepreneur magazine with a brief, but to thePage 497point, query letter to the editor. Entrepreneur, a monthly of 510,000 circulation, depends on freelancers for about 40% of its content, or about 10 to 20 purchased manuscripts a year (Holm, 1997). Hutcheson wastes no words in the singlepage letter. She describes the purpose of the article and its focus. She gives a little flavor of the individual and the woman's company that is the subject of the article. The magazine publishes a lot of "howto" articles for those interested in running their own businesses, so Hutcheson focused her article on those elements of the Tennessee bakery. She explained:This short query brought me an assignment in Entrepreneur. The idea for it came from a short article in The Wall Street Journal. As soon as I read it, I wrote this query and got it off. When the editor called me with the assignment, I phoned the Journal and asked where I might contact Ms. Smith. I then had two phone interviews with her. The assignment was for a short article, so I had to really get to the meat in a few words. Note how I get right to the subject in the query. I want to catch the editor just like I would my readersinstantly. I wrote the letter like a terse news story. Then, at the end, I told the editor who I am and why I should get the assignment. (Hutcheson, 1993, personal communication)Hutcheson's query is also effective because she describes to the editor how her article will benefit the readers of the magazine. "You, the writer, are selling something," she explains. "As a salesperson, you have to sell benefits. The editor, like the buyer, wants to know what this article will do for readers." Here's her letter to Entrepreneur:SUSANNA K. HUTCHESONADDRESSTELEPHONE NUMBERDATERieva Lesonsky, editorEntrepreneur Magazine2392 Morse AvenueP.O. Box 19787Irvine, CA 927136234Dear Ms. Lesonsky:Dot Smith owns a tiny bakery in Tennessee called The Pepper Patch, Inc. Three years ago she took on the state's powerful liquor wholesalers and won the right to buy Jack Daniel's whiskey directlyPage 498from the distiller rather than retailers. She challenged a state law governing liquor purchases and, by doing so, saved her company tens of thousands of dollars a year.Now, she is again taking on a giant, this time larger. She is showing that a small businessperson can fight for rights just like anyone else. In fact, she thinks they should.Lawyers for Campbell Soup Co. sent Smith a letter demanding that she stop packaging her whiskeylaced Tennessee Truffles in a small gold box that they said resembled the containers used by Campbell's Godiva Chocolatier Inc. unit.Some people would be scared off by a letter from a huge and powerful company's attorney. But not Smith. She sued Campbell before they could sue her, enabling her to fight in her own state. The battle has lasted three years so far. Pepper Patch still packages Tennessee Truffles in little gold boxes.Your readers may have occasion to fight a giant business. I propose an article profiling Ms. Smith and her business, one that will give encouragement and empowerment to others.I'm a professional writer but have no major national credits. I do, however, have an article coming out in Home Office Computing, a national magazine. I'm enclosing a couple of clips. I could furnish you with a photo of Smith and her business. The article would run about 1,000 to 1,500 words. Interested? Your readers will be.Sincerely,Susanna K. HutchesonAnd Susanna Hutcheson's final draft of her article as it was submitted to Entrepreneur looked like this:When is a gold box just a gold box and when does it belong to Campbell Soup Company? That's the question that's gotten a small Tennessee gourmet food company and its tenacious owner in an onerous legal battle. It isn't, however, the first giant corporation she has successfully fought on behalf of her tiny company.Dot Smith, 54, started Pepper Patch, Inc. 17 years ago in Nashville. Smith wanted her own identity, credit in her own name, and she didn't want to be bored like so many of her friends."This is what has been the driving force behind this business," she says of her need to eliminate boredom from her life.Success, however, has not come easily for her. She and her tennis partner each put up $1,000 to start the company. Then theyPage 499needed to borrow another $1,000 to buy a stove. Since they had only been in business one week and had no credit it was no simple matter. But they did get the money after convincing the banker they were a good risk. Smith has now gone from doing business in the branch bank to the corporate lending department in the main bank. She also went from making her products in a cow barn to manufacturing them in three locations. She eventually bought out her partner and is now sole owner.The Pepper Patch makes 38 products that include pepper jelly and Smith's famous Tennessee Tipsy Cakes.It was the Tipsy Cakes that pitted Smith against her first giant obstacle, the powerful Tennessee liquor wholesalers. Three years ago Smith challenged a state law governing liquor purchases and was awarded the right to buy Jack Daniel's whiskey directly from the distiller rather than from retailers. The spirits are used in the Tipsy Cakes and other specialties. Her efforts saved Pepper Patch tens of thousands of dollars a year.Then, another giant stood in her way and again Smith challenged the big guys. She got a letter in May 1989 from Campbell Soup Co. demanding that Pepper Patch stop packaging its whiskeylaced Tennessee Truffles in a small gold box that looked like the containers that Campbell's Godiva Chocolatier Inc. unit use.Rather than let them sue her in another state, Smith sued them in Tennessee, saving her the cost of fighting the battle elsewhere. While neither side can claim victory yet, Pepper Patch still uses the gold boxes.Pepper Patch employs 25 people and has gone from a first year gross income of $29,000 to $1.2 million last year. Although besieged by battles, Dot Smith loves being in business for herself. "If you're enthusiastic about what you're doing it makes all the difference in the world," she says. That just may be why she is making a difference in her world.Reprinted with the permission of Susanna K. Hutcheson
Andre Norton SC 1.8 Brama Kota
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Nad Niemnem Orzeszkowa E
.Czasem tylko wzbijał się nad nimi krótki wybuch śmiechu lub powietrzem przeleciało głośnowykrzyknięte imię, stado wróbli podjęło się z krzykiem, tu, tam, ówdzie szybko mignęły stalowebłyskawice sierpów.Zresztą, opróżnione wozy, jedno i ...
Flawiusz Jozef Dawne dzieje Izraela
.2.Nie przerażony tą zmową królów ani potęgą Ammanitów /Ammoni-tów/, Dawid nadzieję swą położył w Bogu i w słuszności swej sprawy,gdyż miał w tej wojnie pomścić się na tych, którzy go znieważyli; i po-wierzając naczelnemu wodzowi, Joabowi, ...
Chmielewska Joanna Krowa Niebianska
.Wrażenie, jakiego doznała, było tak potężne, że uruchomiła ją dopiero prośba kierowcy z lewej strony, który nie mógł otworzyć swoich drzwiczek i wpuścić pasażera bez usunięcia z drogi wypiętej tylnej części pochylonej Eluni.Nie była gruba, ale ...
Pagaczewski Stanislaw Porwanie profesora Gabki (4)
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McDevitt Jack Brzegi zapomnianego morza (SCAN
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Feist Raymond E Srebrzysty ciern
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Lewis Susan Skradzione marzenia 2
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Nowak Zdzislaw Niezwykle przygody Hodzy Nasred
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Tokarczuk Olga Podroz ludzi Ksiegi
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Robert Ludlum Krucjata Bourne'a
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Huxley Aldous Filozofia wieczysta
.Bhagawadgita, podobnie jak wszystkieinne sformułowania filozofii wieczystej, tłumaczy ludziom ście\ki bo\estwierdzając - a stwierdzenie to oparte jest na obserwacji i bezpośred-nim doświadczeniu - \e człowiek mo\e, jeśli tego pragnie, umrzeć ...
Willocks Tim Dwanaœcioro z Paryża
. Dobrze, że pomyślałeś o materacu.Byłeś& Urwała, bo to, co zamierzałapowiedzieć, wydawało się absurdem, choć przecież było prawdą. Byłeś dla mnie bardzodobry.Grymonde mruknął lekceważąco. Drobiazg.A teraz wybacz, ale nie chcę, żeby ...
.(Dz 882)245883.NIC NIE PRZESZKADZA ZW.FAUSTYNIE TRWA W BARDZO GABOKIMZJEDNOCZENIU Z PANEM JEZUSEMDo tego łączenia się i Panem, nic mi nie przeszkadza, ani rozmowa z bliznimi, aniobowiązki żadne, chociażbym miała nawet załatwić nie wiem jak ważne ...
Linux Kernel Module Programing Guide
.*//* Get the parameter given to ioctl by the process */temp = (char *) ioctl_param;/* Find the length of the message */#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,2,0)get_user(ch, temp);for (i=0; ch && i= KERNEL_VERSION(2,2,0)i = device_read(file, (char *) ...
Carey Jacqueline [ Dziedzictwo Kusziela 02] Wybranka Kusziela
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