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.Ask Her to healyour pain.Open the circle, and go visit a friend.Acting in accordAfter you have visited the friend, sit downand rethink your goals in life.Do not rush out tofind or recapture what you miss or have lost, butfocus awhile on matters like your health, yourcareer, and learning new skills.Be gentle withyourself, but not indulgent.Spend special timeoften with a variety of tried and true friends, or ina congenial group.179 A Spell for EmploymentEquipmentA lodestone, or a small but powerful magnetfrom a hardware store.The spellHolding the stone or magnet, imaginevividly the kind of job you want and the feelingsyou will have while working there.Do not imaginenames, the appearance of the workplace, or otherdetails which might limit your choices.Speak aloudthe qualifications you have for holding such a job,and ask aloud that you find it within a certainnumber of days.Raise power and charge the stoneby dancing or breathing.The following day, havethe stone or magnet with you as you make six jobcontacts, and make precisely six contacts a day untilyou have the job you desire.Acting in accordIn making the job contacts, be sure you havea well-written resume and appear at interviewsneatly dressed, confident and relaxed.Do not limityour possibilities to the classified ads;180 tell everyone you know that you are looking foremployment, and ask them if they know ofopenings or leads.Also, call companies or or-ganizations which you admire, where you believeyou would enjoy working.Ask to speak to thepersonnel director about future possibilities withthem, even if nothing is available right now.Callback at intervals.Consider jobs which fall outsidethe narrow field you've trained for; stay open, becurious ask, ask, ask.A Spell for a House BlessingEquipmentBells, light blue candles, ritual oil, a largequartz crystal, several pieces of onyx or obsidian,and two pieces of rose quartz.The spellThis consists of three steps: cleansing,blessing, and sealing (protection).Assemble yourgroup and attune, but do not cast the circle rightaway.Beginning at the heart of the house,proceed deosil through every room and level,ringing the bells and asperging with salt water.Atthe heart, attune again; then go through again, thistime with the candles, and sprinkle rosemary inevery room.You may want to sing or chant ablessing rhyme, such as "Goddess bless this housebelow, Horned God bless this house above; keepit safe by night and day, fill it with Their powerand love." Then return to the181 heart, attune, and cast the circle.Seated withlinked hands, chant wordlessly (or use "Evohe" or"Om"), and with a swelling, powerful circle ofsound, expand the magick circle until it enclosesall the house and grounds.Then proceed one lasttime, with ritual oil and stones.The large crystalstays at the heart of the house, where it has beencharged by the chanting.An onyx or obsidianward is placed over each door, and a Spirit-invoking pentagram is drawn with oil over everyopening door and window, fireplace or vent.The two rose quartz pieces are placed on eitherside of the main entrance into the house.Thegroup returns to the heart for singing andrefreshments.Leave the circle up.Once the initial cleansing is done, merri-ment and humor are not out of place at a houseblessing: they can set the tone for many happytimes to come.If you want a chant or poem on182 the light side, then use this at some point in theprocess:"This home be safe from tigers wild,Here only tame things domiciled;No bogle, troll nor grinch allowed,Nor motley mob nor creeping crowd.Bless everything within these walls,No matter if it sits or crawls.Let mild weather be.inside,For those who 'neath this rooftree bide;And too, if not enlightenmentThen pizza, love and merriment.And if these lines seem slightly odd,Be glad at least they mostly rhyme."A Spell for LoveEquipmentTwo candles, one white, one in your fa-vorite color; two holders; a rose-colored altarcloth; a piece of red chalk.The spellIn the circle, ground and center.Meditateon all the preconceived ideas you have about the183 perfect partner.Maybe you have a particularcandidate in mind for romance.Release the thoughtof that person (it would be most unethical to workmagick to make a certain person love you; thiswould violate their free will, and put you injeopardy by The Law of Return).Release all notionsof what your perfect lover will look like, or do for acareer, or even sound like.These are externals, andif you cling to them then you run the risk ofoverlooking your ideal mate simply because yourconscious mind was focused on superficialities.When your mind is clear and open, hold thecandle of your favorite color: this represents you.Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities andenergies you are willing to bring to an intimaterelationship, such as "Honesty, and daily expressionof affection, and good humor even in difficult times,and the ability to listen carefully and sensitively."and so on.Replace that candle on the altar, and pick upthe white one.This represents your ideal partner,whoever she or he may be.Speak aloud the essentialqualities you desire in a mate, and ask Aphrodite tobring you together in this lifetime.Then place the two candles in their holdersat opposite ends of the altar.Draw a heart on thecenter with the red chalk, large enough for bothcandle-holders.Each day thereafter, meditate on theperfect loving relationship for a few minutes, andmove the two candles an inch184 closer together.If you started on the New Moon,then by the Full Moon the candles should betouching in the center of the heart.When theymeet, draw two more hearts around the first one,raise energy by singing your favorite love song(or singing along with a recording), and chargethe candles.Acting in accordKeep all your "antenna" out during thedays this ritual continues [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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