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.com 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 10701070 packagesPACKAGE macro, 57 passing by reference, 84-85 Performance property(TJPEGImage component), 604package project files, 47-48 Password propertyperiodicals, 989.See also bookspackage units, 279-280 TSQLConnection compo-nent, 456 permissions (DCOM)Requires section, 54TWebConnection compo- configuring, 719runtime packages, 53nent, 814granting, 728runtime-only, 188-189passwords, assigning withper-server security settingsTXMLDocument packageIBExpress, 426(DCOM), 720-722assembly, 1005paSubProperties valuepersistent data, 111weak package, 57(TPropertyAttributes), 300PhotoGallery folder, 943PacketRecords propertypaths, 542(TClientDataSet), 412, 801 Pipes service, 517patterns, Singleton, 88packets.See data packets PKG (Package Description) files,paValueList value966-967paDialog value(TPropertyAttributes), 301(TPropertyAttributes), 300 PlaceOrder() function, 700PE (Portable Execution) service,paFullWidthName value Platt, David S., 711517(TPropertyAttributes), 300playingPels, Ruurd, 979page modules (WebSnap),MCI (Media Controlpens, TPen component847-848Interface) devices, 613-614crop regions, 587-588creating, 842-843multimedia files, 549-551properties, 586TWebAppPageModule com-Waveform audio, 622-625ponent, 847 Perform() function, 246PlaySound() function, 550-551Page Scroller control, 556 performance optimizationpmNotXor mode (TPen compo-PaintBox1 folder, 226 ADO (ActiveX Databasenent), 586Objects) componentsPaintBox3 folder, 229PNG (Portable Networkbuffering, 449-450painting buttons, 228-229 Graphics) imagescursor location, 44palette bitmaps, 287 converting bitmaps to,cursor types, 449 607-609palettes, Component Palette,15, 123-126, 454 queries, 448 converting to bitmaps,606-607Additional tab, 18 client data sets, 412-413PNGDIB conversion library,component installation, 192 compiler, 76-79606Standard tab, 19 Build command, 78PNGDIB conversion library, 606paMultiSelect value Make command, 78poAsyncLoad flag, 469(TPropertyAttributes), 300precompiled headers,POINT structure, 547PanelEndDock() function, 150 76-77pointers, 83, 86, 640-641paReadOnly value DataSnap bottlenecks,(TPropertyAttributes), 300 800-801 global form pointer variables,89-92paRevertable value minimizing with(TPropertyAttributes), 300 PacketRecords property, PTypeInfo pointer, 319801paSortList value polling MCI (Media Control(TPropertyAttributes), 300 minimizing with server Interface) devices, 615-616optimization, 802pass-through functions, 257 PolyBezier() function, 582-583 35 0672324806 Index 12/12/02 2:41 PM Page 1071programming in C++Builder 1071Polygon() function, 584 PrivateDirectory property CoInitializeSecurity() func-(TPropertyEditor), 314 tionpolygon regions, creating, 547procedures, stored, 423-424, calling, 732-734polygon shapes, drawing, 584438, 443-444parameters, 730-732pooling objects, 814-816Process and Thread service, 517DLL clients, 734pop-up windows, creating,ProcessCreated() function, 904,131-135 IClientSecurity interface,909737-738PopDrawName() function, 332,ProcessDestroyed() function,345-347 IServerSecurity interface,904, 909738-739PopDrawValue() function, 332,ProcessHandleInformation()344-345 programmatic access control,function, 503735-737poPreserveWhiteSpace flag, 469ProcessMessages() function, 896programming in C++Builder, 82poResolveExternals flag, 469ProcessorInfo() function, 526arrays, 103-104Portable Execution (PE) service,ProcView folder, 936517 C++ Standard Library, 110producers (WebSnap)Portable Network Graphics casting, 105-106images [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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