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.to discuss means we wish to examine.to arguemeans we don't agree.a quarrel is definitely unpleasant.WHY DO PEOPLE ARGUE ? People argue because some people always disagree witheverything other people say.It is often in their nature to do so.Other people like to give their opinion on every singlematter.Others like to learn by argument.etc. 694 WHY DO PEOPLE QUARREL ? People quarrel, basically perhaps, becausethey do not like the other person or his opinions.Another meaning of the verb "to argue" is "to reason".For example, "He argues thathe had not done the job, because he had not had sufficient time", or, "His argumentfor not having done the job was that he had not had sufficient time"./GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE" WORD "ARGUE" USED WITH THEMEANING OF "TO REASON".She argues that, if we don't go now, it'll be too lateREGULAR regularny SOMETHING ABOUT zrobić coś, zaradzićThe word "regular" has many different meanings.It comes from the Latin word*x"reguła" meaning "a rule" and this therefore is its basic meaning./WHAT IS THE BASIC MEANING OF THE WORD "REGULAR" ? The basicmeaning of the word.WHAT DOES IT MEAN "TO LIVE A REGULAR LIFE"? "To live a regular life"means, more or less, that we eat, sleep and work etc.at moreor less the same times every dayWOULD YOU SAY THAT A REGULAR LIFE WAS BETTER THAN ANIRREGULAR ONE ? Yes, I'd say.was.or.No, I wouldn't say.695 WHY OR WHY NOT ?/CAN A DENTIST DO ANYTHING ABOUT IRREGULAR TEETH? Yes, adentist can.HOW ? I'm not sure, but perhaps by cutting into them in some way.etc.DO YOU WORK (OR STUDY AT) IRREGULAR HOURS ? Yes, I.or.No, I don't.BLOW UP wysadzić w powietrze, wyleciećWHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO BLOW UP BRIDGES DURING A WAR ?It's so important to blow.in order to make it difficult for theenemy to get across the river, to do so, they would eitherhave to swim, cross by boat or build new bridgesDUST POWDER COLLECT GUNPOWDERkurz proszek zbierać proch FACE - POWDER STAMP MEETINGpuder znaczek spotkanieFOOTBALL MATCH RED CROSS PRETEND/mecz piłki nożnej czerwony krzyż udawać696 The difference between "dust" and "powder" is that dust is what collects on objects.For example, if I ran my finger along the top, or especially under-part, of the table, Iwould collect some dust on it Powder, on the other hand, is something that is made.For example, gunpowder is powder made for a gun, face-powder is powder madefor the face.WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "DUST" AND "POWDER" ? /The difference between dust and powder is that "dust" is whatcollects on objects, whilst "powder" is something that is madeDO YOU (OR DID YOU) COLLECT STAMPS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT ?Yes, I collect.or.No, I don't.WHY OR WHY NOT ?WHAT AM I PRETENDING TO DO? You're pretending to stamp a piece of paperwith a stamp, or pretending to stamp your Course Card.ON WHAT KIND OF OCCASIONS DO PEOPLE COLLECT TOGETHER INLARGE NUMBERS? - WHEN, WHERE AND WHY?/ The kind of occasions onwhich people collect together in large numbers are in church, atparties, political meetings, football matches.DO THEY COLLECT MONEY IN THE STREETS IN YOUR COUNTRY FORDIFFERENT CAUSES, SUCH AS FOR THE RED CROSS, THE POOR ETC.?Yes, they collect.or.No, they don't.697 WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE A GOOD CAUSE WORTHCOLLECTING MONEY FOR?/ I consider.to be a good cause worth.CENTRE środekWHAT'S IN THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH ? Fire is in.FURNISH umeblować FURNITURE mebleWHAT KIND OF FURNITURE DO YOU LIKE TO SEE A ROOMFURNISHED WITH ? I like to see a room furnished with.HUMAN BEING istota ludzka DO YOU THINK THAT HUMAN BEINGS SOMETIMES BEHAVE WORSETHAN ANIMALS ? Yes, I think that.or.No, I don't think.WHEN?/.in a war.ARTIFICIAL sztucznyWHAT ARTIFICIAL PARTS OF THE BODY CAN SCIENCE PROVIDE USWITH NOWADAYS ? The artificial parts of the body which science.are arms, legs, teeth, hair.etc.698 IDIOM 14PULL SOMEONE'S LEG = not telling a person the truth, just for a laugh or fornabijać się z kogoś amusemente.g.All right, don't get angry.He was only pulling your legWHAT DOES THE IDIOM "TO PULL SOMEONE'S LEG" MEAN ? The idiom."not telling."GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! After all these years of knowing him, I stilldon't know when he's serious and when he's just pulling my legDICTATION 60 SENTENCE (v) skazać kogośThe court/ was deadly silent/ as the judge/ sentenced the criminal to life in prison./ Oneof the best things for a headache/ is to lie down and relax./ He always confuses/ themeaning of the words/ "rough" and "smooth"./ When judging anything,/ we shouldalways try to look under/ the surface of things/ and see things as they really are./ The manwas charged/ with committing/ one of the most serious crimes/ that anyone can commit,/and it was quite clear/ right from the beginning/ that he was guilty./ If you invited me toyour house,/ I'd be your guest,/ whilst you'd be my host [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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