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.or.No, the weather doesn't have.407 MOUSE myszWHAT IS THE NAME OF THE FAMOUS MOUSE IN THE CINEMAWORLD ? The name of the.is Mickey MouseTHROAT gardłoWHAT PART OF THE BODY'S THIS ? It's the throatOPPORTUNITY okazjaDO YOU BELIEVE THAT OPPORTUNITY (THAT IS, THE SAMEOPPORTUNITY) NEVER COMES TO US TWICE ? Yes, I believe that.or.No, I don't believe that.DEVELOP INDUSTRY AGRICULTURErozwijać przemysł rolnictwoWHAT DO WE MEAN BY "THE UNDER- DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THEWORLD" ?/ By "the under-developed.", we mean those withlittle or no industry or agriculture.etc.COLONY koloniaARE THE DAYS OF COLONIES A THING OF THE PAST?Yes, the days of colonies are.PRINT drukowaćWHERE WAS THIS BOOK PRINTED ? This book was.408 SAND piasekWHERE DO WE FIND SAND? We find sand by the sea BELL dzwonek SHOUT krzyk, krzyczećDO YOU KNOW WHETHER, IN THE OLD DAYS, A MAN WALKED ROUNDYOUR TOWN WITH A BELL AND SHOUTED OUT THE NEWS AT THESTREET CORNERS ?/ Yes, I know that, in the old days, a man.or.No, I don't know whether, in the.SLAVE niewolnikARE YOU A SLAVE TO CIGARETTES OR DRINK, OR ANYTHING ELSE ?Yes, I'm a slave to.or.No, I'm not a slave to.STICK kij, laska WALKING-STICK laskaDO YOU THINK A MAN LOOKS BETTER CARRYING A WALKING-STICK?Yes, I think a man.or.No, I don't think.LAKE jezioroWHERE WOULD YOU PREFER TO LIVE, BY A LAKE OR BY THE SEA ?I'd prefer to live by.409 LESSON 69ALREADY " jużHAS THE LESSON ALREADY FINISHED ? No, the lesson hasn't finished yet,but it's still in progressARE YOU ALREADY ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH WITHOUT MAKING ANYMISTAKES ? No, I'm not able to speak English yet without makingany mistakes, but I still make some mistakesARE WE ALREADY IN SPRING (SUMMER, AUTUMN OR WINTER) ?No, we aren't in spring yet, but we're still in winterHAVE WE ALREADY STUDIED BOOK ONE OF THE CALLAN METHOD?Yes, we've already studied.THROWN III forma czasownika  to throw"WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO THROW" ?/ The paradigm.throw - threw - thrown HAVE YOU EVER THROWN ANYTHING AWAY, WHICH WAS WORTH ALOT OF MONEY, BY MISTAKE ? Yes, I've thrown something away, which was.or.No, I've never thrown anything away, which.WHAT?410 -NESS " REASON BY ADDINGpowód przez dodanieILLNESS TIREDNESS DARKNESSchoroba zmęczenie ciemnośćTo form a noun from an adjective, we sometimes add the letters "ness" to the adjective.For example: slow - slowness: white - whiteness: small - smallness etc.HOW DO WE SOMETIMES FORM A NOUN FROM AN ADJECTIVE ? - ANDGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE ! We sometimes form a noun from an adjective byadding the letters "ness" to the adjective.For example: small - smallnessWHEN DID YOU HAVE YOUR LAST ILLNESS ?/ I had my last illness.WHAT'S THE REASON FOR TIREDNESS ? The reason for tiredness is too muchworkWHAT'S THE REASON FOR DARKNESS AT NIGHT ? The reason for.is thatthe world turns a complete circle, or completely round, every 24 hours, whichmeans that, for half this time, one half of the world is opposite the sun and,for the other half of the time, it is away from the sun, and so in darknessALONE sam, w pojedynkęARE YOU ALONE IN THIS ROOM ? No, I'm not alone.but I'm in company411 DO YOU LIVE ALONE OR WITH YOUR FAMILY? I live alone.or.I live with.DO YOU PREFER TO GO ON HOLIDAY ALONE ?/ Yes, I prefer.or.No, Idon't prefer to go.but I prefer to go in companyWOULD YOU SAY? EXPRESSION RATHER OPINIONpowiedziałbyś wyrażenie raczej opinia, poglądWe use the expression "Would you say?" when we ask somebody for his opinion aboutsomething.It means "Do you think?"WHEN DO WE USE THE EXPRESSION "WOULD YOU SAY ?" We use theexpression "Would you say?" when. WOULD YOU SAY THAT A KING'S LIFE WAS PLEASANTER THAN THATOF THE AVERAGE MAN?/ Yes, I'd say that a king's life was pleasanter than.or.No, I wouldn't say that.Notice that the verb after "Would you say" is in the Past Tense, or rather theSubjunctive.WHICH TENSE DO WE USE AFTER THE EXPRESSION "WOULDYOU SAY ?" ? We use the Past Tense, or rather the Subjunctive,after the expression "Would you say?"412 WHAT WOULD YOU SAY WAS THE BEST WAY TO REMEMBERSOMETHING ?I'd say that the best.was to repeat it oftenANYONE? ktoś, nikt SOMEONE ktośNOT ANYONE niktWHO ? kto MR.BROWN Pan BrownNO ONE niktInstead of the words "anybody, somebody" and "nobody", we can use the words"anyone, someone" and "no one" (or "no-one").WHAT WORDS CAN WE USE INSTEAD OF "ANYBODY, SOMEBODY" AND"NOBODY" ? / Instead of.we can use "anyone."DID ANYONE COME INTO THE CLASSROOM AT THE BEGINNING OFTHE LESSON? Yes, someone came into.WHO WENT OUT OF THIS ROOM TWO MINUTES AGO ?No-one went out of.WON II i 111 forma czasownika  to win"413 WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO WIN"?/ The paradigm.is: win - won - wonIF YOU WON A MILLION POUNDS, WHAT'D YOU DO WITH IT?If I won a million pounds, I'd.BORROW pożyczyć od kogoś WHAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF THE VERB "TO LEND"? The opposite of.is"to borrow"OUGHT WE ALWAYS TO GIVE BACK THE THINGS WE BORROW ?/ Yes,we always ought to give back.DO PEOPLE, IN FACT, ALWAYS GIVE BACK THE THINGS THEYBORROW ? No, people, in fact, don't always give back the.WHY NOT ? Sometimes they can't, sometimes they forget, and sometimesthey don't want toLISTEN AND HEAR, słuchać i słyszeć THEN więcWHAT AM I DOING ? You're listening to somethingI AM LISTENING, BUT CAN I HEAR ANYTHING ? Yes, you can hear somethingWHAT CAN I HEAR, THEN?/ You can hear the cars in the street.etc.414 IF YOU LISTENED CAREFULLY, DO YOU THINK YOU'D BE ABLE TOHEAR THE PEOPLE IN THE NEXT ROOM ? (OR THE SOUND OF TWOPEOPLE SPEAKING IN THE STREET ETC?) Yes, if I listened carefully, Ithink I'd.OWN " własnyWHAT'S ANOTHER MEANING OF THE WORD "OWN" BESIDES "POSSESS" ?/Another meaning of the word "own" besides "possess" is "."GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! This is my own watchARE THEY YOUR OWN SHOES YOU'RE WEARING ? Yes, they're my.or.No, they aren't [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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