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.or.No, I don't.DO YOU KNOW HOW TO TREAT SOMEONE FOR SHOCK, OR SOMEONEWHO'S FAINTED ? Yes, I know how to.or.No, I don't.HOW ?/ By making them comfortable, keeping them warm. CAN YOU THINK OF A BOOK OF HISTORY, SCIENCE, ETC.THAT TREATSITS SUBJECT EXCEPTIONALLY WELL ? Yes, I can think of.or.No, I can't think.WHAT DO YOU THINKS THE BEST TREATMENT FOR A COMMON COLD?I think the best treatment.is.ALLOWANCE przydziaÅ‚, zasiÅ‚ekMAKE ALLOWANCE uwzglÄ™dniać, brać w rachubÄ™DO YOU THINK IT'S BETTER TO GIVE A CHILD A FIXED WEEKLYALLOWANCE, OR GIVE HIM MONEY LITTLE BY LITTLE AS HE NEEDSIT ?/ I think it's better to give a child.IN OUR TREATMENT OF CRIMINALS, DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD MAKEALLOWANCES FOR THE FACT THAT THE CRIMINAL HAS PROBABLYHAD A HARD LIFE AS A CHILD.ETC.? Yes, in our treatment of.I thinkwe.or.No, in our treatment.I don't think.978 BEG bÅ‚agać FORGIVE FORGIVENESS PARDONżebrać przebaczać przebaczenie wybaczać, przepraszamI BEG YOUR PARDON perzepraszam bardzoARE YOU AGAINST BEGGING IN THE STREETS ? Yes, I'm against.or.No, I'm not against.ON WHAT KIND OF OCCASIONS DO PEOPLE BEG FOR FORGIVENESS ?The kind of occasions people.are when they havedone something seriously wrong, like.When we have not quite heard what someone has said, we either say "I beg yourpardon ?" or just "Pardon ?" or "Sorry ?"WHEN WE HAVE NOT QUITE HEARD WHAT SOMEONE HAS JUST SAID,WHAT DO WE SAY ?/ When we have not.we say "I beg your pardon ?"or just "Pardon ?" or "Sorry ?"CLOTH CLOTHE CLOTHINGmateriaÅ‚, sukno ubierać, odziewać odzież, bielizna 979 WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS "CLOTH" AND "CLOTHE"?The difference.is that "cloth" is material, it's a noun, whilst"clothe" is a verb meaning "to put on" or "to wear" clothesABOUT HOW MANY MORE PIECES OF CLOTHING DOES THE AVERAGEPERSON WEAR IN COLD WEATHER THAN IN HOT WEATHER?The average person wears about.more pieces of clothing in.DISEASE CONTAGIOUS INFLUENZA MALARIA FEVERchoroba zakazna grypa malaria gorÄ…czkaA disease is an illness which is sometimes contagious, like influenza, malaria oryellow fever, etc.YELLOW FEVER febraWHAT DO WE GENERALLY MEAN BY A DISEASE ? By a disease wegenerally mean an illness which.FIRE ognia!WHAT ARE THE ORDERS AN OFFICER GIVES HIS MEN WHEN HE WANTSTHEM TO FIRE ON THE ENEMY IN A BATTLE ?/ The orders an.Take aim!.Steady!.Fire! (or, Ready!.Aim!.Fire!)980 ROOM pokój, miejsce SOLUTION255° rozwiÄ…zanieDO YOU THINK THERE IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE, ENOUGH ROOM INTHE WORLD FOR EVERYBODY ? Yes, I think there is.or.No, I don't think.IF NOT, WHAT DO YOU THINK'S THE BEST SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM ?I think the best solution is.SHARP ostry, szybki, nagÅ‚yThe word "sharp" has many meanings, but basically it means "quick - sudden -violent - severe"./WHAT DOES THE WORD "SHARP" BASICALLY MEAN ? The word "sharp"basically means "quick, sudden, violent or severe"WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SHARP PAIN AND A DULL PAIN ?The difference between.is that a sharp pain is suddenand violent, but one that doesn't last long, whereas adull pain is less violent but more continuous DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL A LITTLE ANGRY IF YOU HAVE TO WRITEWITH A PENCIL THAT HASN'T GOT A SHARP POINT, OR CUT WITH AKNIFE THAT HASN'T GOT A SHARP EDGE ?/ Yes, it makes me feel a.or.No, it doesn't make.981 CAPE przylÄ…dek HORN rógNAME ME SOME FAMOUS CAPES IN THE WORLD.Some famous.are theCape of Good Hope, in South Africa; Cape Horn, in South America.RAW surowy, nierafinowany UNPROCESSED nieprzetworzonyDO YOU EVER EAT RAW MEAT OR VEGETABLES ? Yes, I sometimes.or.No, I never.WHY OR WHY NOT?WHAT DO WE MEAN BY RAW MATERIALS ? By raw materials we meanmaterials in their natural or unprocessed stateGIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES, PLEASE ! Coal, wood, metalSAMPLE próbka BEFOREHAND przedtem, uprzednio, z góryWHY DOES A BUSINESS SEND ITS CUSTOMERS A SAMPLE OF THEGOODS IT WISHES TO SELL ?/ A business sends its., so that the customers cansee beforehand what the goods look like before ordering a large quantity982 UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATEstudent, studentka osoba, która ukoÅ„czyÅ‚a studiaWHAT DO WE CALL A UNIVERSITY STUDENT WHO HAS NOT YETTAKEN HIS DEGREE ? - AND ONE WHO HAS TAKEN IT ? A university studentwho has not yet.we call an undergraduate,whilst one who has taken it we call a graduateVAIN próżny, daremny STRUGGLE (v) usiÅ‚ować, walczyćWHAT DOES THE WORD "VAIN" MEAN ? The word vain means.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! They struggled in vain to free themselvesfrom the ropes that bound their hands behind their backs.He was very vain about his appearance.He wasalways looking at himself in the mirror DICTATION 86A search was made/ to see if the number of mice/ on board the merchant ship/ wasexcessive./ One of the boxes/ was split open with an axe/ and was found to be full ofworms./ Baskets of oranges/ with a leaf or two still on them/ were put on the tables/ inpreparation for the village feast,/ and it was felt/ that even the greediest of villagers/would go away well satisfied./ It was decided/ that the land should be ploughed/ andbeans grown on it./ We balanced the log of wood/ on the top of the old oil drum/ and witha lot of cursing/ managed to hammer the bent nail into it./ James, who was too lazy tohelp,/just sat and laughed/ when the log fell on my toe,/ cutting the leather of my shoe.983 LESSON 148TURN TO BADLY MISJUDGE TRAFFIC LIGHTSzwrócić siÄ™ do zle, kiepsko, licho zle osÄ…dzić Å›wiatÅ‚aTURN = CHANGE TURN OUT TO BE DISHONEST QUEUE kolejkaodwrócić, obrócić okazać siÄ™ nieuczciwy stać w kolejceOUT OF TURN poza kolejkÄ… STEP OUT OF TURN wejść poza kolejkÄ…WHOM DO YOU TURN TO WHEN YOU ARE IN TROUBLE OR NEED HELPBADLY ? I turn to.when I'm in.IN WHAT ORDER DO TRAFFIC LIGHTS TURN FROM STOP TO GO ANDVICE VERSA; THAT IS, IN WHAT ORDER DO THE COLOURS CHANGE ?/The order in which traffic lights turn from.is [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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