[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
.The trick is to -click the toolbar button (the whitecapsule in the upper-right corner).With each click, you cycle to the next toolbar style: large icons,small icons, no text labels, only text labels, and so on. The Thumbnails panelOne welcome enhancement in the 10.2 version of Preview is its Thumbnails "drawer." This panel slides out fromthe side of the main Preview window whenever (a) you open a multipage PDF or TIFF file, or (b) you highlight abunch of graphics files in the Finder and open them all at once.The idea is that these thumbnails (miniatures) letyou navigate pages or graphics without having to open a rat's nest of individual windows.Figure 9-6 expands onthe idea.TIPYou can change the size of these miniatures by choosing Preview Preferences and adjusting the slider.In the same dialog box, you'll find buttons that govern whether the Thumbnails drawershows icons, text labels, or both.Figure 9-6.To open or close the new Thumbnails drawer (right), click the Thumbnails icon at the leftend of the toolbar.Once you've clicked a thumbnail, you can move to the next or previous one bypressing the up or down arrow keys. Preview and PDFYou can open and read PDF files with Preview, but you won't be able to use any of the interactive features builtinto some PDF files bookmarks, hyperlinks, forms, and so on.For those functions, you need to use AcrobatReader, described earlier in this chapter.Here's what you can do with a PDF file using Preview:Save out a single page from a PDF as a TIFF file, so that you can use it in other graphics, wordprocessing, or page layout programs some of which might not directly support PDF.(Microsoft Word, forexample, can accept TIFF graphics, but not PDFs.)To extract a page, use the usual File Export command, making sure to choose the new file formatfrom the pop-up menu.(If you choose a format like Photoshop or JPEG, you'll be warned that only thecurrently selected page of your PDF document will be converted.That's because there's no such thing asa multipage Photoshop or JPEG graphic.But you already knew that.)Use -left arrow and -right arrow to page through a document.(Page Up and Page Down also work.)You can use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys alone to walk through the miniature images in theThumbnails drawer, too.Zoom in and out using -up arrow and -down arrow.You can also fit a page to the size of thewindow ( -=), and display the PDF at actual size (Option- -=).Turn antialiasing (font smoothing) on or off to improve readability; just choose Preview Preferences. (Though antialiased text generally looks great, it's sometimes easier to read very small type withantialiasing turned off.It's a little jaggy, but clearer nonetheless.)Turn on Continuous Scrolling to scroll through multipage PDF documents in one long continuous stream,instead of jumping from page to page when you use the scroll bars.TIPPreview can even open multipage TIFF files, which is a big deal for anyone who's signed upfor the free eFax service (www.efax.com).(Efax is a sensational service that provides youwith a private fax number.Whenever a fax is sent to that number, you get the fax by email.As a result, you can get faxes without owning a fax machine or having a fax line, and youcan get faxes even when you're traveling.)Either save your eFax attachments with the.tif extension, or send an email to eFaxcustomer support with a request to have your incoming faxes tagged with the.tif extensionautomatically.9.1.17 QuickTime PlayerThere's a lot to say about Apple's new QuickTime player, but it's all in Chapter Sherlock"Sherlock" may seem like a familiar term to veteran Mac fans; for years, it's been a search program designed tohelp you track down files on your own system and on the Internet.In Mac OS X Jaguar, though, it's a differentanimal (or a different detective).Chapter 20 has the details.9.1.19 StickiesStickies lets you create virtual Post-it notes that you can stick anywhere on your screen a triumphant softwareanswer to the thousands of people who stick notes on the edges of their actual monitors.You can use Stickies to type quick notes and to-do items, paste in Web addresses or phone numbers you need toremember, or store any other little scraps and snippets of text you come across.Your electronic Post-its show upwhenever the Stickies program is running.These sticky notes have been a feature of the Mac OS since the days of System 7 but they've taken a quantumleap forward in Mac OS X.In the old days, the notes you created with Stickies were text-only, single-font deals(which, when you think about it, was all you really needed to type effective little notes like "don't forget to buycabbage" or "acupuncturist @ 3 pm").With the Mac OS X version of Stickies, however, you can use a mix of fonts, text colors, and styles within eachnote.You can even copy and paste pictures, movies, and sounds into your notes.By dropping PICT, GIF, JPEG,QuickTime, AIFF, whole PDF files, and other files into your notes, you can create the world's most elaboratereminders and to-do lists (Figure 9-7).Figure 9-7.Stickies never looked like this before [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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