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.As to the relation of an Intelligence to its Triune Self, the Triune Self neverleaves the sphere of the Intelligence under whose Light it is.As long as it is a TriuneSelf it is related to that Intelligence by characteristics which are in a measure the sameas those of the Intelligence, that is to say, that the qualities and powers of a TriuneSelf are potentially akin to those of its Intelligence.The figure of the circle withtwelve points shows the connections which the knower has through all the capricornsigns, which the thinker has through all the sagittary signs and which the doer has through all the scorpio signs.Each of the three parts is so connected with theIntelligence by a number of identical signs.For instance, the doer, itself a scorpio partof the Triune Self, is connected through the scorpio points of the mental and noeticatmospheres and of the water and air spheres with the scorpio point of the fire sphere.The first circle, that of the fire sphere, is the zodiac of the Intelligence; the fifthcircle, that of the light world, is that of the Triune Self, and the eighth circle, that ofthe physical world, is the zodiac of the physical body and of its breath-form.Thefourth circle is that of the earth sphere, which stands in a similar relation to the fourworlds in it as the abstract circle stands to the four spheres.The first, second and thirdzodiacs stand for the Intelligence with its three degrees of capricorn, sagittary andscorpio Intelligence; and the fifth, sixth and seventh zodiacs stand for the Triune Selfwith its three atmospheres of capricorn, sagittary and scorpio.Both the Intelligence and the Triune Self are capricorn entities, but they are indifferent zodiacs.The Triune Self is a capricorn unit of the scorpio sign of the zodiacof the Intelligence, which is a capricorn unit of the fire sphere.The zodiac shows the relation of the Intelligence and its Triune Self to nature.The cancer part of the Intelligence is related to the I-ness, cancer, of the knower, andby means of that to the cancer or passive side of the sense of sight and by means ofthat to the passive fire element in nature.The capricorn part of the Intelligence isrelated to the selfness, capricorn, of the knower, and by means of that to the capricornor active side of the sense of sight and by means of that to the active fire element innature.The leo part of the Intelligence is related to rightness, leo, of the thinker, andby means of that to the leo or passive side of the sense of hearing and by means ofthat to the passive side of the air element of nature.The sagittary part of theIntelligence is related to reason, sagittary, of the thinker and by means of that to thesagittary or active side of the sense of hearing and by means of that to the active sideof the air element in nature.The virgo part of the Intelligence is related to feeling,virgo, of the doer and by means of that to the virgo or passive side of the sense oftaste and by means of that to the passive side of the water element of nature.Thescorpio part of the Intelligence is related to the desire, scorpio, of the doer and bymeans of that to the scorpio or active side of the sense of taste and by means of that tothe active side of the water element of nature.The libra part of the Intelligence is thefocus of the other six parts or faculties of the Intelligence and is related to the libraaspect or breath-form of the Triune Self and by means of that to the libra aspect, orsense of smell, of nature in a human body.A zodiacal figure shows how these relations of the Intelligence with nature aremaintained.All are maintained by way of the libra point, (Fig.VII-B).So the cancerpart of the Intelligence which is related to the I-ness of the knower and by means ofthat to the cancer side of the sense of sight and by means of that to the passive fireelement in nature, cannot get across or communicate on the cancer to capricorn line,but must, when crossing from the intelligent-side to the nature-side, from the knowerto the sense of sight, go by way of libra.So it is with all the actions and reactionsbetween the Intelligence and nature.If the action starts in the fire sphere, it cannotreach the sphere of the Intelligence, unless it goes across the libra point in a physicalbody and across that in the breath-form.Or to give another illustration.If the actionstarts on the physical plane of the physical world, when an orange is seen the actioncannot reach feeling, unless it goes with the generative, cancer; the respiratory, leo;the circulatory, virgo; the digestive, libra, breaths and so with the breath-form to thefeeling, virgo, of the doer, scorpio.It is because of these connections of the Triune Self with the senses, their organsin the body and their elements in outside nature, that one who knows of the alignmentshown by the zodiac and who has control of his senses, can create or destroy.No supernatural feat would be impossible to him.Without instruments he could do orhave whatever he wanted.He could condense and guide starlight so that the entireheavens would be fire, or be filled with shooting bolts of lightning, or send a rain oflightning to the earth.He could melt mountains into rivers of lava or dissipate them.He could crumble or consume a stronghold as well as a hut.He could by precipitatingbuild a wall or a house, he could produce metals and fabrics.But he would also havethe knowledge not to use his powers for foolish ends.A zodiacal figure shows something about the faculties of an Intelligence, (Fig.V-C).It shows that an Intelligence has a faculty for every sign that is in the manifestedside of the zodiac.The light faculty is of cancer, the time faculty of leo, the imagefaculty of virgo, the focus faculty of libra, the dark faculty of scorpio, the motivefaculty of sagittary and the I-am faculty of capricorn.The light faculty acts and reactswith the I-am faculty, the time faculty with the motive faculty, the image faculty withthe dark faculty and the focus faculty puts all these faculties into relation with eachother and with everything in the Universe.A zodiac shows the relation of the faculties of an Intelligence to the three parts ofits Triune Self.It shows a present potential relation which will become actual whenthe Triune Self becomes an Intelligence.Then the three parts will become sixfaculties.Selfness and I-ness, the active and passive sides of the knower, will becomethe I-am and the light faculties; reason and rightness of the thinker will become themotive and time faculties, and desire and feeling of the doer will be the dark andimage faculties and the aia will become the Triune Self or focus faculty.The zodiacal figure shows the relation of the faculties of an Intelligence to nature,that is, to the four great elements, which are the four spheres of nature.The light,cancer, and I-am, capricorn, faculties are related to the fire sphere; the time, leo, andmotive, sagittary, faculties to the air sphere; the image, virgo, and the dark, scorpio,faculties to the water sphere; and the focus, libra, faculty to the earth sphere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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