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. Get out there, Six, Kelly whispered.He patted Ty s legas he listened from a spot on the ground. Go go, give himbackup.Ty was already trying to get out of his coat and scarfand boots.He tossed his shirt aside as well, leaving himselfin nothing but his jeans, socks, and a T-shirt with a pictureof a piñata that said,  I d hit that. He took off his holsterand dropped it, sliding his gun into the back of his jeans andmaking sure his shirt covered it. Keep at that computer, Ty whispered. If shit gets bad,you make sure you re gone before it ends, got it?They all nodded and moved aside so he could slip out ofthe room.Clancy was standing by the elevators, and Zane wasfacing her with his back to Ty.They were eyeing each otherwith growing suspicion, neither of them speaking. Hey, Red, Ty said.Zane jumped when he spoke but hedidn t turn around.Clancy seemed to relax a little when Ty appeared, and thena slow smile spread across her face as she saw the condition of157 Ty s clothing. Shit, I m sorry.I didn t mean to interrupt.whatever you were doing. She turned half away and shieldedher view with her hand.Zane almost looked over his shoulder, his body twitching. Michelle, we came up the stairs, Ty said quietly. Yousure that elevator moved?Clancy s entire demeanor changed almost instantly.Her shoulders tensed and her hand hovered near the gun ather hip.Ty was stunned for the briefest of moments by thethought that Clancy might be about to draw on them.Then she took a step to the side and put her back to thewall beside the elevator. It was about ten minutes ago, shesaid, voice pitched lower. Started at the ground floor andstopped here.Didn t move again.Zane turned to meet Ty s eyes then, nodding. Someonetailed us, he said, drawing his weapon.Ty knocked on the door behind him, and the other threemen poured out of the room.Owen and Digger fanned outonto the floor, sliding through cubicles and disappearing intothe darkness.Kelly stayed behind, guarding the door to thecomputers.Clancy watched slack-jawed. Oh Christ.I m going to getshot in the ass, aren t I? Probably, Ty whispered.He moved to Zane s left, gunin hand. You two aren t here getting your rocks off on theequipment, huh?Ty shook his head. Thank God. You haven t seen anyone else here tonight? No, just you assholes, Clancy grunted.158 Zane scurried to the bank of windows at the front of thebuilding and looked out. Whoever they are, they parked outfront. Means they re not worried about us knowing they rehere, Ty said, brows drawn. Why would they go years in thedark and then show themselves now? What are you talking about? Clancy asked. Who s inthe dark?Ty placed his back against the wall beside Clancy. We vebeen tracking a cartel mole in the department for over a yearand a half. And you thought it was me? You are so off the Christmascard list! You don t send Christmas cards! Guys, Zane snapped. Floor s clear, Digger called from the break room at oneend of the floor. Clear! Owen echoed from the other end.Ty and Zane shared a confused frown across the room. What case are you doing overtime on? Ty asked Clancy. Cut-and-dry gambling ring, nothing exciting.Alston sbeen kind of MIA on me; I ve been covering for him,working late.Ty turned his attention back to Zane, who was stillhovering near the windows and watching the parking lot. You told Garrett he s been gone? No, Clancy admitted.When Ty frowned at her, sheshrugged. He s the boss now, man.You know how it goes.We all have stretches where we need time to get it togetherwithout a psych eval.Ty nodded dazedly.He d known Scott Alston for years.They d gone to football games together, gotten drunk159 together, and been shot together.He d helped Alston pickup girls and helped him dump them.Hell, he d even met theman s mother once.The suspicion that he might be their moledamn near broke Ty s heart. What s going on with Alston?There was a clang near the stairwell before Clancy couldanswer.The door creaked open, and by the time Alstonstepped out of the stairwell, they had all positioned themselvesaround the entry, guns ready.He held his hands high, eyes darting around at each ofthem. I saw the accounts Freddy was looking up for you.I mhere to help. You got five seconds to convince me, Zane said.Alston took a deep breath. Richard Burns had mereporting on you.I thought it was a legit op at first, and bythe time I realized it wasn t.there was nothing I could do.Digger pulled the hammer back on his revolver, and thesound was like thunder in the quiet building. You could have told us, Zane growled. Easy, Ty ordered, holding his hand out to Digger. Details, Scott.Now.Alston hurried to answer. Taps on your phones, and onein McCoy s office.That was all I did, I swear to you.Zane holstered his gun and pulled a pair of handcuffsfrom his belt. Garrett, I m on your side! Alston insisted. When I putit all together, I. You what? Ty urged, even as Zane took a step towardhim with the handcuffs. After what happened in New Orleans, I.I think Burnswas trying kill you two.He was the only one who had accessto those taps, not even I did.He was the only one who couldhave known you were heading to Louisiana.He had to have160 been the one to tell all those people who were after you downthere.Ty and Zane shared a glance.It was the same accusationLiam had made.Was it possible Richard Burns had been theone bugging them? It had been a risky play to alert them tothe taps, in that case, but it had worked.They hadn t oncesuspected him. When I found out he was dead, I thought you two haddone it, Alston admitted. I kept quiet to protect you.Ty cursed under his breath.Fucking Alston and hisloyalty.If what he was saying was true, then they d been wayoff base on their mole issue.And Ty believed him.Clancy stepped closer, gesturing to Zane to hold off onthe handcuffs.She didn t get close enough for Alston to touchher, but she was blocking their line of fire [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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