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.In1988, Ed attended a meeting during a conference in Los Angeles,where several medical doctors showed interest in applying Rife'swork with frequency to cure AIDS.Rife had used high frequenciesin the radio wave range to kill a variety of viruses associated withspecific diseases.Ed had been researching frequency devices so hevolunteered to further develop Rife's work to develop a frequencygenerator.Ed had also studied the work of Georges Lakhovsky.Lakhovskyhad worked with hospitals in the application of frequency in the1920s.Lakhovsky recognized that cells have a natural frequencythat keeps them healthy and resistant to viruses and other pathogens.In order to restore this natural frequency, Lakhovsky developed aMultiple Wave Oscillator to produce high frequencies.Thefrequencies, in turn, produced a broad range of harmonicfrequencies.29 When an object is exposed to its natural frequency it will pickup or resonate with that frequency.This is what happens when twoviolins have been precisely tuned.If the string on one violin isplucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will start tovibrate as well.When exposed to the harmonics produced byLakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator, the cells could pick up theirnatural frequency with the results that their strength and healthwould be improved.In a Radio News magazine article published in February 1925,Lakhovsky wrote: "In conclusion I wish to call attention of thereader to the fact that I have obtained very conclusive results notonly with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer and shorterwavelengths.The main thing is to produce the greatest number ofharmonics possible."53Skilling devoted his talents and genius to the design of a unitincorporating the research of Lakhovsky and Rife to produce ahealing frequency and also a broad range of harmonic frequencies.Skilling does not strive toward developing units for specificdiseases.Rather, he designed a unit to output 728 Hz which is theRife frequency considered to be the most healing.This frequency iscarried on a radio frequency wave to transport it to the body.Thisworks in the same way a radio transmitter carries the signal for aparticular radio station so it can be received by a radio in any givenarea.Skilling's unit operates with a very gentle 100 milliwatts ofpower, a lot less intense than it's Rife cousin.The carrier wave of28.322 MHz is in the high radio frequency (RF) band.The 728 Hzmodulates the 28.322 MHz to create a great range of harmonicfrequencies - up into the gigahertz range.The cells can then pick up their resonant healthy frequency.Theimmune system can gradually grow in strength, thus allowing thebody to heal itself naturally rather than creating an artificialhomeostasis through the use of frequencies.Ed's unit becameknown as the RF Flat Pack.The design has since been improved andis now known as the Photon Genie.Ed has worked with a number of health practitioners who havefound that the Photon Genie assists the body in at least two ways:1.) Increased blood circulation, and 2.) Improved lymph flow.53See entire article in the Appendix30 Ed Skilling still actively lectures and educates America aboutthe positive effects of energetic medicine.Though he is in his 80s,he exhibits the zeal and vigor of a man twenty years his junior.Evenafter gaining international recognition for his work with frequencies,he still selflessly carries on his research for the greater benefit of theEnergy Medicine community.54Alexis Guy ObolenskyIn the early 1960 s, Alexis Guy Obolensky learned aboutmitogenic radiation from a fellow schoolmate who worked as a BellLaboratories technician.His work involved the early developmentof advanced parametric receiving circuits for radio astronomy.Oneof these uniquely sensitive receivers was used to identify themitogenic wavelength associated with normal (healthy) celldivision, hence the name  mitogenic radiation, followingGurwitsch s research.Over two decades passed before Obolenskywas able to apply this learning to reconstruct a viable mitogenicwave therapeutic machine.His  Mitogenic Therapy paper outlinesthis work to set the stage for a later  Medical Update paper.55 Itprovides medical histories of routine cancer remissions, as well asmultiple myeloma previously considered incurable and fatal.Inaddition to one documented cure of hepatitis C also consideredincurable and fatal.For those professionals wishing to peruse thissubject, the participant s names, addresses and medical reports areavailable.Obolensky says,  Our body appears to possess a well-definedmaterial nature that changes very slowly, whereas, on the atomiclevel we are different every microsecond.The majority of ourliving cells are constantly dying and being replaced [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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