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. At the same time the provost would go throughchurch accounts.The clergy not only accepted the new church ordinance, each ofthem swore loyalty and obedience to the duke and his successors.Doctrinal latitude would be permitted to accomodate the many who19Speier Recess Aug 27 1526, Kidd 1967, 185; Lyby 1993, 226 30.202 Successors, 1523 1533held to the old faith, but there could be no doubt that the duke ofHaderslev, a worldly lord, was the supreme authority for the churchin his duchy.Duke Christian had established a princely Evangelicalterritorial church very much like territorial churches in the Reich.King Friedrich s situation was far more complicated than that ofhis eldest son.Catholic bishops, who had imposed the ecclesiasticalsettlement of the accession agreement, exercized power and authorityover the direction of affairs through their position on the council ofthe realm.The worldly lords were divided between Catholics, likeTyge Krabbe, the royal marshal, and Evangelical sympathizers, likeMogens Gøye, master of the court.As for the lower orders, KingFriedrich did not choose to offend reform opinion after ChristianII openly involved himself with the reform movement.King Chris-tian s support in Denmark came from commoners, and they beganto convert in increasing numbers.On the other hand King Friedrichcould not risk antagonizing the devout Catholics of the imperial fam-ily, who might at any moment back one of Christian s attempts atreinstatement.The religious problem was insoluble, and mediationon religious questions grew increasingly difficult.King Friedrich sonly option seemed to be neutrality; tolerance became his policy bydefault.In the summer of 1525 Prior Eskil of Antvorskov sent a young Johan-nite brother, Hans Tausen, to a house of the order in Viborg.Tausenhad received an education in Rostock, Copenhagen, Louvain, andWittenberg.When he returned to Antvorskov he was a partisan ofthe reform movement.In a sermon on Maundy Thursday, Tausentaught that man is only saved through Jesus Christ.Prior Eskil didnot fancy Antvorskov as a center of the reform contagion, and hesent Tausen to Viborg, where Tausen began to preach publicly.Townsmen flocked to hear him, and his attacks on the churchand churchmen grew bolder.Tausen laid out the basic antithesis ofreform agitation, church abuses and corruption over against God spure Word.Bishop Friis forbade Tausen s preaching.Master Hans defied thebishop and cast himself into the arms of townsfolk.Prior Jensenintervened, but Tausen refused to give way.In the end (1528), theprior expelled him from the order.Townsmen who had heard Tausenpreach approached King Friedrich.In a letter October 23, 1526,the king took Tausen under his protection and made him a royalchaplain. Yet We have given permission and commanded him toremain in Viborg among you for a time to preach the holy gospel toReform by Indirection 203you. 20 Without regard for his accession agreement King Friedrichtook the new teaching under his wing.Bishop Friis forbade HansTausen to have anything to do with his churches, but the bishop srelations with his chapter were vexed, and townsmen detested him.The bishop was not obeyed.Jakob Skønning, a canon and rector of theLatin school, and prebendary at St.Hans, allowed Tausen to preachin his church.More and more townsmen came to hear Tausen sattacks on the old church.Soon St.Hans was too small to holdthem.Townsmen asked for Greyfriars.When the brothers refused,townsmen broke in the doors.This took place in 1527, about the timeTausen married, the first spiritual man in Denmark, exclaimed PoulHelgesen, who married out of fleshly desire. 21 That fall magistratesconverted monastic estates and foundations to communal care for thepoor and the sick.22 A Danish liturgy came into use at Evensong;Danish hymns were sung for the first time during a service on AllSaints Day.Next year Tausen celebrated mass in Danish.The rapidity and extent of the reform in Viborg must have hor-rified Catholic prelates, but their response was feeble.In Assens,which came under Bishop Beldenak s authority, Christian Skrockhad been preaching the new faith.Beldenak warned of renegademonks preaching lies
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