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.You should therefore be clear in your mind that when handling Multisessioncompilations you are often not dealing with data that are directly accessible, andNero Creating a CD/DVD " 44 that as a result there are certain limitations in regard to convenience ascompared with ISO compilations that have to be remembered.7.4 Audio CD7.4.1 IntroductionAn Audio CD is a CD that contains music files and that can be played with anyregular CD player which you can buy in a store  the songs on the CD musteither be in CDA format or be converted to this format.Almost all CD players can only read CD-Rs, i.e.using rewritable CDs (CD-RW)is not recommended.Nero writes the audio data to the CD-RW correctly butmany CD players will not be able to play back the tracks.If possible, audio CDs should always be burned in the 'Disc-at-once' mode.Thiswill make the most out of the features that Nero offers and will avoid unwanted'hiss and crackle between individual tracks.A CD that contains music files in a variety of different formats (say MP3 orWMA) is strictly speaking an audio CD as well, but since a CD player cannotread these formats and play them back, these CDs are not referred to as AudioCDs.Nero does not mind what audio format the files are in because compressed files(e.g.MP3, mp3PRO, WAV, VQF, WMA or AIF) are automatically converted priorto burning so that they can be burned in CDA format.However decoding thesefiles takes a certain amount of time and so the burning speed may have to bematched to the PC s power and computing processes.Although writing Audio CDs with Nero is really simple, it is worth spending a fewmoments thinking about your source medium.There are basically two ways ofcreating Audio CDs.With one method the audio tracks come from an Audio CDand with the other the audio files are on a hard disk.To copy an existing Audio CD, you will find all the information you need in thechapter ' 'Copying CDs'.If you wish to use tracks from an existing Audio CD and/or tracks from anumber of Audio CDs, then there are several strategies with which Nero canhandle the audio files.You will find further information about these strategiesin the chapter 'Source medium is CD/DVD drive'.The information you requireabout burning will be found in the chapter 'Burning audio files from CD'.If you want to use audio files that are on your hard drive, then the chapterentitled 'Source medium is hard disk' will explain the advantages of thisoption.The information you require about burning will be found in the chapter'Burning audio files from your hard disk'.Note: Music CDs with a special copy protection have been around on themarket for some time now.These CDs cannot be played or copied with a normalPC.If you experience problems with copying, please make sure that you are notusing CDs of this type.You can identify this from a note on the cover of theoriginal CD.Nero Creating a CD/DVD " 45 7.4.2 Source medium is CD/DVD drive7.4.2.1 Dragging & dropping audio tracksWhen dragging & dropping audio files that are on a CD (CDA) the user has abasic choice of four different strategies with which Nero can handle the CDAfiles.The strategy is selected on the CDA Options tab.You will see this tab inthe 'New Compilation' dialog box which opens when you create a newcompilation.If a compilation is already open, select your required strategy orcheck the selected strategy in the File menu with the Compilation info option.The 'General Settings' section offers you a choice of four different strategies:Diskspace strategy (the default)With this strategy the CDA files are buffered in Nero s cache directory ifsufficient space is available.If no space is available then a track reference iscreated.Tempfile strategyWith this strategy the CDA files are buffered in Nero s cache directory ifsufficient space is available.If no space is available, an error message isdisplayed.Reference strategyThe CDA files are handled as track reference.The source medium can onlybe a CD/DVD drive, not a recorder.Device dependant strategyCDA files are handled as track reference where possible, otherwise thetempfile strategy is used.The diskspace and tempfile strategies can be used to burn in 'Disc-at-once'mode.We advise that you use one of these two strategies.The reference strategy can only be used for 'Track-at-once' burning and canonly be read by CD/DVD drives, not by recorders.The reason why 'Track-at-once' must be used with this strategy (it is preset) is that when you use files thatare on an interchangeable medium you may need to switch the source CD if theaudio files come from different source CDs or if a track has to be approached ata remote read position on the source CD.This can mean a long wait betweentracks however [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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