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.If the terminal window has the input focus, the caret will be displayed atthis position.If the terminal window has the input focus, the caret alsomoves to a different location to reflect the new cursor position.Theleftmost column is column 0.Object is the handle of the comm objectreturned by a call to CreateCommObject.Return value The SetCursorColumn function has no return value.See Also GetCursorColumn, GetCursorRow, SetCursorRowSetCursorRowDescription Sets the row position of the cursor.Language DescriptionC void SetCursorRow(HWND Object, INT CursorRow);C++ MFC void CCommXfrTrm::SetCursorRow(INT CursorRow);C++ OWL void TCommXfrTrm::SetCursorRow(INT CursorRow);Remarks The SetCursorRow function sets the row position of the cursor.Thecursor position indicates where the next characters that are printed willappear in the terminal.If the terminal window has the input focus, the caret is displayed at thisposition.If the terminal window has the input focus, the caret also movesto a different location to reflect the new cursor position.The top row isrow 0.Object is the handle of the comm object that was returned by acall to CreateCommObject.Return value The SetCursorRow function has no return value.See Also GetCursorColumn, GetCursorRow, SetCursorColumnDLL and Class Library Functions / 103 SetDestFilenameDescription Determines the file-transfer destination filename.Language DescriptionC void SetDestFilename(HWND Object, LPCSTR Filename);C++ MFC void CCommXfr::SetDestFilename(LPCSTR Filename);C++ OWL void TCommXfr::SetDestFilename(LPCSTR Filename);Remarks When a filename is being uploaded, the SetDestFilename functiondetermines the name of the file that is sent to the remote computer.During a Download, SetDestFilename sets the real filename on thecomputer that is running your program.You should call this function only during aTRANSERSTATUS_PREPARE event, or, in the C++ version, in aOnTransferPrepare function.Return value SetDestFilename has no return value.See Also GetSourceFilename, GetSourceFilenameLengthSetDialModeDescription Sets the dial mode to pulse or tone.Language DescriptionC void SetDialMode(HWND Object, INT DialMode);C++ MFC void CComm::SetDialMode(INT DialMode);C++ OWL void TComm::SetDialMode(INT DialMode);Remarks The SetDialMode function informs the comm object whether the modemshould use Tone or Pulse dialing.The DialMode parameter can be any ofthe following values, defined in SAXCOM.H:Value DescriptionDIALMODE_TONE The modem uses tones to dial the number.DIALMODE_PULSE The modem uses pulses to dial the number.Return value The SetDialMode function has no return value.104 / Chapter 5 See Also CheckModem, Dial, Disconnect, FillListWithModemNames,GetDialMode, GetModemOptions, InitModem, InitModemForAnswer,LoadModemOptions, OutputModem, SetDialTimeOut,SetModemOptionsSetDialogParentDescription Determines which window is used as a parent for status dialog boxes.Language DescriptionC void SetDialogParent(HWND Object, HWND ParentWindow);C++ MFC void CComm::SetDialogParent(HWND ParentWindow);C++ OWL void TComm::SetDialogParent(HWND ParentWindow);Remarks The GetDialogParent function determines which window is used as theparent of the transfer-status dialog box.ParentWindow is the handle ofthe dialog s parent window, and Object is the handle of the comm objectreturned by a call to CreateCommObject.Return value The SetDialogParent function has no return value.See Also GetDialogParentSetDialTimeOutDescription Determines number of milliseconds the Dial function should wait for aconnection.Language DescriptionC void SetDialTimeOut(HWND Object, LONG TimeOut);C++ MFC void CComm::SetDialTimeOut(LONG TimeOut);C++ OWL void TComm::SetDialTimeOut(LONG TimeOut);Remarks The SetDialTimeOut function sets the number of milliseconds the Dialfunction waits for a connection before generating a timeout error.Thedefault setting is 30 seconds.TimeOut specifies number of millisecondsthe Dial function should wait for a connection.Object is the handle of thecomm object returned by a call to CreateCommObject.DLL and Class Library Functions / 105 Return value The SetDialTimeOut function has no return value.See Also CheckModem, Dial, Disconnect, FillListWithModemNames,GetDialMode, GetModemOptions, InitModem, InitModemForAnswer,LoadModemOptions, OutputModem, SetDialMode, SetDialTimeOut,SetModemOptionsSetDiscardNullsDescription Determines whether null characters should be discarded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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